@ingox said:
I don't know why, but i made this: shepardtone.pd. The display can also be used to change the pitch.
Great patch, I like the data structure visuals and the shepard sound.. Thanks for sharing.
Alberto -
~moduLaRe~ is mainly a personal tool for processing live flute sound in a creative way, but at the end it became something interesting that I think is worth sharing. The tool is based on work done by other people, in particular on a patch by Stephen Christopher Stamper (and other people that kindly shared their work, please see the acknowledgements in the user manual). I’m mostly interested to the flute, but in principle it should work with any input provided. ~moduLaRe~ is conceived as a “live performance” tool: my set-up is composed by a laptop, a midi keyboard, a microphone and a Korg NanoKontrol. The NanoKontrol allows the player to interact with the instrument easily and minimizes the use of mouse, giving much more freedom when interacting with a musical instrument. The computer keyboard is used for controlling the patch parameters as well. The user has 4 possible inputs/controls: pc keyboard, MIDI keyboard, Korg NanoKontrol and microphone. Controllers are connected on the audio board and to the PC. Note that even without the Nanocontrol and midi keyboard still microphone and pc keyboard provide useful inputs. The following is the ~moduLaRe~ user interface:
You can get modulare here (v 0.11 - small bug fix).
Have a look at the manual first (it is included in the download archive).
Feedback, improvements, suggestions are welcome. If you find any bug please post it here.
Tested on pd 0.42.5 extended (on Windows)Modulare is a PureFun(C) project.
Hi all, while loading files on the forum I got errors and the file isn't loaded after pressing "submit".
Last one I tried (on Win Vista, Google chrome) I got an error like this:Error: Unable to move file from: /tmp/phpGNFH0m to attach/1146769eddbdf34c3a1d8f2f0f16a58b/9e1a918ba5220222b185dbf2c1eafa29.attach.
Any hints?
A granular instrument built around the granule~ external by Eric Lyon (part of Lyon Potpourri collection of externals for MAX and pd).
The short story: when Eric Lyon published his Potpourri collection of externals in 2006 I was kind of amazed by them.
Soon I liked "granule~". So after some (looong) time, I decided to build something with it. Here it is:Attached the zip file containing externals compiled for Win and Linux. No Mac's here around, sorry.
More details (where to find the externals, etc etc.) in the readme within the attachment .
It there are bugs or any bullshits in it please let me know.It's a PureFun! project, so ... have fun.
Edit: few sounds out of it on the output section
Hi all,
that's what I wanted for a recent project, and attached is one possible solution I found.
In practise, by using canvas labels (and list2symbol from zexy)
you can get numbers in GUIs without using number boxes, looking OK within "graph-on-parent".
See attached patch (slide_me), using pd extended fonts for canvas labels.
By the way, I noticed that one font (Deja Vu Sans Mono) is looking quite differently in
windows w.r.t. Linux (more "pixellosity")
Any other solutions like this?Alberto
I'd like to share "Tuner", which, as the subject says, is a two-panels, crossfading, enveloping sampler patch.
Nothing really new nor awesome, just a PureFun(TM) project ...
Here's a screenshot:-
Grid from "Unauthorized" library (Pd Extended it's fine) -
How to play:
on startup the patch loads four+four default samples. Activate the start/stop dsp button
and start moving the "TUNER" control in the center of the patch. This gives
more weight to each of the four samples. With the control in the middle all samples
are mixed together. If you move the second slider on the right the second set of samples
are activated now. Simple, isn't it?
There is the possibility to manually load a set of four samples, and you can do it
while the other panel is active (if the samples are not too heavy).
For example, if the left panel is active load 4 sample
on the right panel (and don't forget to resynch after loading if needed!).Download link: http://alberto.zin.googlepages.com/Tuner_v09.zip (it's ~ 10 Mb, with samples -
worth giving a try!). Otherwise attached here is a version without default samples.Have fun. Feedback, suggestions, criticism is welcome.
Hi, I'd like to point out a nice Pd&GEM patch by M. Colasso,
called "SantiagoAtmospherico". According to the author it's a "sound toy",
but I like the "ambient" spirit of it and the nice GEM visualization.on that site there is the link to the patch (quite large, 100 Mb, due to three very large samples)
Throwing an idea: would it be possible to add a "chat room" service to this forum
for people that are on-line (and accept to be reached by the service - more or less like gmail chat)?
I don't know if it is technically feasible or if people in general like this or not.
What do you guys think ?AlbertoZ
For those of you that are not on the PD mailing list (are there any?
I'd like to signal two very interesting
videos that our mate ronaldO (jackullyt) has posted on youtbe about generative music
using PD :
Interesting use of "silky" instrument and samples, small bit of reverb and never annoying (at least to me
All mapped to traditional scales. Well done!Here is the original message:
A piece of code stuck in a drawer for too long.
M2 is similar to my previous mondrian patch, but with some enhancement.It's basically a "noise generation machine" suited for special FX. Interaction with the patch is with mouse and keyboard. It uses creb, unauthorized (grid > 0.7) and cyclone libraries (if you use PD extended you're ok, just set the correct path to the libraries)
It looks like this:
and it sounds, more or less, like this:
https://sites.google.com/site/albertozin2/MicroWorldSounds.mp3A pdf is included for install instructions and basic usage.
Enjoy M2,
Edit: links updated (attempted)
Just want to signal to the list an interesting book I didn't know about:
Few PD inside.
PlayStation Portable coder ethan, who developed a complete synthesis/sequencer
system for PSP console (http://dspmusic.org/psp/) (yes, a synthesis system
on the PSP) has released a beta version of his sequencer PSPSeq 2.10 for Windows here:
(announce here: http://groups.google.com/group/pspseq/browse_thread/thread/2b6f0912d013b190)Not the easiest control system in the world but fun/interesting enough to give it a try.
No source code, sorry...Moreover http://dspmusic.org/ has lot of interesting info for pepole interested in
audio implementation on dsp..Cheers,
Hi all,
I'm working at a new project involving pluck~
(one of the Karplus-Strong algorithm implementation in PD)
Something I don't understand (see the attached patch) is the
fact that every time that pluck~ is triggered with a new note
the sound is sometimes "full" "warm", other times "thick", "small".
(let the metro bang for 10-20 times...). I'd like the sound being "full"
every time the note is triggered. There must be some sort of
"phasing" inside I'm not able to find (Maybe the delay lines?)..Any suggestion is welcome...
Last week I was walking on the beach and instead of thinking
to vacations or how to make wonderful sand castles
I started thinking to PD and how to recreate
that environment. Yes, I know, this is the no-return point :-0Attached is a first attempt to emulate it...
Not totally effective, so if you have suggestions...enjoy,
Hi Neko,
just wander what happened yesterday to the forum, was it a real
haker attack or just an easter egg?Best
(sorry for cross-posting)
- Name - xYzee!
- Purpose - Audio pattern generation
- Desc. - 2 voices Synth/sequencer
- Status - v 0.9999999.
- Home - https://puredata.info/Members/AlbertoZ/xYzee/
- Cost - 2 kudos
Longer Description:
xYzee! is a small instrument for PD that
generates 2-voices random/deterministic melodic patterns.
It uses the powerful "bassemu" external as the main
audio engine. A message-based sequencer drives
the pattern generation and effects (multi-tap and
reverb) are added at the end of the chain.
Scale mapping is part of the game, nearly 50 scales
are in!.Grab xYzee! together with docs, samples of the presets
at the following address:https://puredata.info/Members/AlbertoZ/xYzee/
Unpack the archive wherever you want and
open XYZ_main.pd. Turn on the audio of PD and
set the volume in the patch.
Note: you need cyclone library for the phase scope.Note for Mac OSX users: unfortunately xYzee! will not work
for you (yet). It is based on bassemu and
I was only able to compile it for Windows and for Linux,
since I don't have any OSX near me.
If you want to contribute
with a bassemu.pd_darwin you are welcome!I don't really know how useful is this patch.
Probably, at the end, it is just an exercise.
Anyway I enjoyed coding it since, with some tweaking
I got interesting (at least for me) sounds.Thats all folks! Any feedback is welcome.
Have fun,
Alberto Zin
Hi all,
does someone have a compiled (binary) vesion of C. Klippel bassemu~ external
for Mac?