@porres the "garbage-filter" since 0,49, as it won't show abstractions w/o helpfile. And the hiccup.
@SCFan32 My recommendation for learning Pd is keeping it straight Vanilla and go the way @whale-av proposed: Learn the list of objects Vanilla vocabulary and learn thinking in Vanilla, instead of searching for objects. This would be the low-level Pd-Vanilla way.
From what I have glimpsed SC is not so very low-low level.
Searching objects of libraries can be done in Deken. Help > Find externals
or deken.puredata.info where ctrl+f full text search helps, too.
There are some libraries that make easy high-level patching possible. But the bigger they are, and the more libs you use, the more you have to search for objects.
Searching this forum: https://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/topic/11732/commands-for-forum-search-engine/2
Where in many cases newer posts are more valid, because Pd-Vanilla has developed a lot and solved many issues, added more objects ect.
(keeping backward-compability).