@le26muko Hello.
This forum is a place where fundamentally the community help each other for free.
Sometimes users offer money for help, especially for a complex project, but usually get no response..So it is unlikely that you will get anyone to pay for your patch by advertising it here.
I am no expert on the licensing implications of charging for the use of your project, and I don't think you will be able to protect any patch that you sell....!
I think you will have to study the licenses yourself, but someone might reply to this thread as there are some very knowledgeable developers that keep a keen eye on things.So I would guess that asking (on this forum) for payment would not be seen favourably, but if you wish to advertise elsewhere then you need to check the software licences for Pd and for all the external objects that you will include in your patch.
@hmp I suggest you put the .csv file and your patch into a .zip folder and upload it to this thread...(the up arrow above your post as you are typing....).
.... then it will be easier for us to analyse.
David. -
@BikeD Hello, and welcome to the forum...!
If you use [notein] and the [stripnote] to receive your keyboard midi notes then you will get the note "on" message and "velocity" message without receiving any note off messages that might re-trigger your samples.Then you need to put some logic that sends a start only to a set group of samples when the note and velocity are in a zone that you have determined.
[moses] is useful for separating messages by value, or you could use [expr] with multiple if statements.
Both can be controlled for zone range by messages to their right inlets....... and you will need to understand first how messages are passed within a Pd patch....... https://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/topic/13320/welcome-to-the-forumYou can also use [select] to send bangs and [route] to route messages (the route number is stripped) according to the first value in a list.
I hope that helps you get started.
David. -
@Dizzy-Dizzy That's good news, and thank you for posting how you solved the problem.
There are a lot of people using Pd on the RPI and your solution will be very helpful into the future..!
David. -
@Dizzy-Dizzy I do have a RPI but I am not very familiar with Linux.
On my RPI3B Raspian... stretch I think....the wish executable is in /usr/bin.... and also the wish86 executable.
wish86 was probably installed when I installed Pd via apt-get.
First check that you have them on your system........I think they must be there because you had Pd installed before.
Then, so far... the only help I have found is here..... https://askubuntu.com/questions/515610/wish-missing-but-tk-is-installed ........ but I find it strange that your error was for wish and not wish86.If you don't find wish86 in that folder maybe you can simply copy it from the source code folder...... but it probably needs to be installed so..... sudo apt install wish86.... and maybe also sudo apt install wish.
... from this page....https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/Raspberry+PiI hope I am helping, but I am not confident.
Pd starts and then uses wish to create the on-screen windows and draw the patches..... so your build might well be good but without wish nothing will be drawn to the screen.
David. -
https://wp.nyu.edu/computer_music/installing-pd/But I doesn't explain it very well.
You might see in the tar.gz download a folder packages/Linux_make.
Inside probably a readme.
There should also be a file "makefile".The readme will have instructions something like this....... README
David. -
@Dizzy-Dizzy You should be able to build the latest..... Pd 0.55..... for your rpi from the source code... the first download on this page........ https://puredata.info/downloads/pure-data
I believe it is quite a painless procedure in Linux.
David. -
@Dizzy-Dizzy You are right... it should work.
Sometimes giving the directory in the object name works.....
Try creating [else/quantiser~] and [else/keyboard].....
David. -
@mezko @maelstorm posted this a long time ago (13 years...!).
Built with data structures it should be fast.
It looks as though it needs the iemlib library at least to run, but there are usually workarounds for vanilla.