Hey all,
Just discovered sendlocal and sendreceive.
Is there a reason I should not use these objects? They seem to be a good way to clean up the connections to reduce the number of connections in a patch.
sendlocal sendreceive
Hey all,
Just discovered sendlocal and sendreceive.
Is there a reason I should not use these objects? They seem to be a good way to clean up the connections to reduce the number of connections in a patch.
@raynovich I am not sure what you mean by sendlocal and sendreceive but the rest of your post suggests you are just talking about send and receive? If so we had a thread about that recently, send and receive are a bit less efficient than wires but generally should not be an issue.
There does not seem to be any support for this as the system warns you that sendlocal and sendreceive are "deprecated." But they are a "special" type of send and receive. ONLY for the window they are in.
I would like to use them, but I fear they will be taken away at a later time.
@raynovich Probably best to use $0 then.
[s $0-name] and [r $0-name] will keep them local to the patch and its sub-patches.
It's the old method, and cannot be deprecated.
I have been trying that, but that does not seem to work unless I create an object that can added.
As in. . . if I create a pd patch like this:
pd higherlevelobject
pd testobject_below_higherlevelobject
If I create a send $0-test in the testobject_below. . . .
And make a receive $0-test in higherlevelobject, messages will be received.
But if I do this using sendlocal and send receive the higherlevelobject does not receive the message.
@raynovich Yes..... $0 applies to sub-patches as well.
I think you are stuck with [sendlocal] then.... or you will have to make sure that you keep a strict control of [send] names, never re-using them in the parent patch.
Thanks. I am a bit surprised that this object does not have any commentary. I just found it by accident and it does seem useful. No help page, no discussion on this forum, and I cannot find any discussion anywhere else.
@raynovich I had never come across it..... and deken doesn't find it for windows... so not great if you plan to share your patches.
Or is it new in Pd 0.55?..... I haven't downloaded that yet.
No, that cannot be if it is tagged as deprecated.
I think it will cause you a few problems in the future...... best avoided...
it's in [ggee]. I could add and support something like that in ELSE.
It reminds me of [cyclone/pv] by the way
a hacky way to do this would be to get the window name with [canvas.name]
ELSE already has [sender] and [receiver], which could gain a '-local' flag for this feature!
Let me try that.
sender is an object?
Tried to make the object, but it couldn't create.
[else/sender] is an object in ELSE that I can add a '-local' flag functionality for this... this is what I meant.
Oops! Looks like something went wrong!