In the context of a MIDI to CV converter, I am trying to limit independantly the lower and upper points of a waveform. The reason for that is that when I play high pitches, the LFO added to the keyboard pitch makes the final value go over 1, creating a kind of high pitched plateau that I would like to avoid. On the other hand, I would like to allow the lower part of the LFO wave to continue its course, so the waveform would be asymetrical in a way, for example going from -1 to +0.2. I achieved this with different vline~ objects, by setting two $ for posMax and negMax and it works fine. Here is the patch.
Now my issue with hat solution is that it doesn't play smoothly when adjusting the LFO rate, I suppose due to the fact that the different vline~ have to update while playing and they don't like it. Anyway, I am back to square one because playability and modulation possibility for the LFO speed is a must.
My math knowledge is not enough to figure out what kind of equation I should write to mathematically create the waveforms. Or maybe there is another way ? I went through the oscillators creation tutorial by Alexandro Drymonitis but couldn't find a way to adapt his patches so I could control the positive and negative parts of the waveforme independantly.
If anyone could put me in the right direction, it would be great.
Thank you.