• alexandros

    Gem is a one binary file library. You hane to import the lib before trying to create an object from it.
    Try putting a [declare -path /path/to/Gem -lib Gem] object in your patch.

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  • alexandros

    Do you have any suggestions I could try out? I think Ofelia is a great project, and I'd really like to help with its development/maintenance if needed. There are plenty of stuff about the compiling process that I don't know though.

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  • alexandros

    I can't find any of the equivalent files of the .dll files anywhere. I guess these are the ones you are talking about?

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  • alexandros

    These are the contents of the .zip file you mention:

    abs/                  CHANGES.txt                    examples/     LICENSE.txt  ofelia-object-help.lua  ofelia_textwindow.tcl   opencv_core4100.dll  opencv_features2d4100.dll  opencv_imgproc4100.dll    README.md
    assimp-vc142-mt.dll  classesAndGlobalFunctions.txt  libxml2.dll  ofelia.dll   ofelia-object-help.pd   opencv_calib3d4100.dll  opencv_dnn4100.dll   opencv_flann4100.dll       opencv_objdetect4100.dll  stable-diffusion.dll

    Are these supposed to be located in the ofeliaExtendedLib directory? Because, all there is in there, is already in the directory of the ofelia.pd_linux Pd external directory too.

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  • alexandros

    Oh, I followed the instructions, (which are probably forked from ofxOfelia?) where it writes that the directory needs to be named ofxOfelia. I renamed it to ofxOfeliaExtended and make now worked. I copied ofelia.pd_linux to my externals folder, but Pd can't create the object. Trying to load the library with [declare -lib ofelia], I get the following errors:

    load_object: Symbol "ofelia_setup" not found in "/home/alex/Documents/Pd/externals/ofelia/ofelia.pd_linux"
    load_object: Symbol "ofelia_setup" not found in "/home/alex/Documents/Pd/externals/ofelia/ofelia.pd_linux"
    load_object: Symbol "ofelia_setup" not found in "/home/alex/Documents/Pd/externals/ofelia/ofelia.pd_linux"

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  • alexandros

    It turns out that the build instructions are there. For some reason, I thought that the instructions had only to do with the OF addon and not the Pd object. I tried to compile the Pd object, and got this error:

    ../../../addons/ofxOfelia/src//../libs/ofxImGui/src/BaseTheme.h:3:10: fatal error: imgui.h: No such file or directory
        3 | #include "imgui.h"

    I looke for ofxImGui and found this, which I downloaded and put in the addons directory, but I'm still getting the same error.
    I'm on Debian 12, with OF 0.12.0.

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  • alexandros

    If you want to do shell stuff, just install the command external. It's up on deken (Help -> Find externals), just look for "command".

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  • alexandros

    @FFW not really, the [sel 0] has to connect to [f ], like @porres did it. But [mousefilter] is indeed the object for this job. Didn't have that in mind.

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  • alexandros

    @FFW I think you got it wrong, unless [mousestate] has changed with a new release. The left-most outlet of [mousestate] outputs the click state, and the second from left outlet is the X position. If you feed that to [f ], then the latter will output the X position of the mouse, not the slider value. @porres solution is correct, though if we want to take into account the "when I move the slider" part of the OP, then a [change] after [f ] is necessary, like @FFW did.

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  • alexandros

    Try [command], which is an actively maintained replacement of [shell]. [shell] is no longer maintained, and that could be the issue.

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