it's painful when you have to add an outlet in the middle of a t object. Really awful
This is where your intelligent patching comes in handy. Select the trigger, control+k to disconnect it, add the outlet, select the trigger and all the objects it connects too, drag a wire from the first outlet to the first destination, hit shift, release, connect the inlet, done. You can also get things to patch in different orders by going from different outlets to different destinations. It helps to get in the habit of not making massive triggers with 32 bangs, break it up, also ordering your patch to reflect the trigger will make the intelligent patching easier and more predictable, the object the first outlet goes to is right beneath that outlet and the object the second outlet goes to is beneath it and so on, sometimes it can not be helped but a [t a] can be placed to help keep order and bend wires when needed.
Sometimes things which are painful in puredata are relatively simple if you just open the patch in a text editor or use the various command line tools like grep, sed, bash, etc.