• seb-harmonik.ar

    just fyi the original error is due to pd trying to configure a cursor for the pd console window without it being open
    not sure why that would happen tho
    it does seem like either a permissions or maybe network thing. Or maybe the architecture in one of the binaries isn't supported by your system.
    if you feel like more troubleshooting you could try starting 'wish86.exe' from command line too to see if that gives errors..

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  • seb-harmonik.ar

    an alternative would be to dynamically patch a linear chain using helper abstractions instead.
    couple ideas: (open chain.pd) multimulti.zip

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  • seb-harmonik.ar

    if you're going to go to a web page to copy and paste it, you could use some command line program instead..
    { sed -z '$ s/\n$//' inputfile.txt | tr \\n , ; echo ; } > outputfile.txt

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  • seb-harmonik.ar

    @oid yeah originally I tried sending to the #key, #keyup, and #keyname symbols like pdsend "#key 8"
    but of course it throws an error if there are no [key] objects..

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  • seb-harmonik.ar

    @oid you can use 'break' to do it: bind all <BackSpace> {break}
    also related: bindtags https://tcl.tk/man/tcl/TkCmd/bindtags.htm

    edit: actually for me it also works if I do

    bind all <KeyPress-BackSpace> {

    with it on separate lines. I have no idea why it works but I guess there needs to be something in the brackets. just using an empty string didn't work either.
    tcl being tcl, but from discussions seems like it shouldn't have to be..
    edit2: you can use bind all <BackSpace> { } or bind all <BackSpace> {;}

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  • seb-harmonik.ar

    not really, pd stores all information about the object. the most you can do is look at the tags. You could probably get the geometry of the shapes somehow, and look for certain tag patterns to isolate the outlines though.

    you should be able to run anything on the tcl prompt including source https://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.6/TclCmd/source.htm

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  • seb-harmonik.ar

    @oid that's right, they don't actually have to recompute the hash function because they already have the pointer.
    I guess it's more accurate to say 'having to access memory in symbols more' instead of 'having to access memory in the symbol table more'
    looking at it now it also checks if the 'send' symbol has objects attached to it which is a branch so could also be slightly worse for branch prediction

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  • seb-harmonik.ar

    @oid all symbols in pd go into the hash table and never get collected.
    as far as overhead goes, it does have to walk the linked list of 'things' that are attached to the symbol, and then output from their outlets rather than just outputting from the outlet directly (though, the connections also use a linked list so maybe it doesn't matter too much.. still there's an extra operation at least).
    it does use slightly more memory for each object which also could influence cache misses I suppose (along with having to access memory in the symbol table more.)

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  • seb-harmonik.ar

    to add onto that it's convenient to have a simple abstraction that allows for dispatching to sends based on the 1st element in a list (and that gets cast from 'anything')
    so you can send "blah list thing1 thing2;" from the pdsend program (or some program sending to it) or directly over network
    and receive "list thing1 thing2" at a [r blah] object in pdlispatch.PNG
    and that can also be wrapped into 1 object of course:
    As far as which languages to use, personally I tried using Lua coroutines and even made a library to run scores with pdlua https://github.com/sebshader/lscore, but right now I think I'm going to use nelua for the next version (other candidates have been crystal, Felix, and kotlin).
    But those might not play the best w/ the terminal and nurses, for that I'd probably go with something like Lua or lua-jit maybe

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  • seb-harmonik.ar

    @Balwyn how would > 0 on velocity filter out note-offs? 0 would still be zero..

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