• xray303


    I've a problem with my PD project, it's like a reactable.

    Globally each Object (modules) like sound generator (synth,sample) , effects (flanger,etc..) connect itself (for the audio) dynamicaly with throw and catch.

    For example (functional view) :
    [Sound generator3]-- [throw3] [catch3]--[effect1]--[throw speaker]
    [Sound generator6]-- [throw speaker]

    [catch speaker]--[DSP]

    My problem is when many audio source are send to the same [catch] (the speaker) then the sound is distorded, i think the catch add the "n" source and it "saturate"

    Do you know how to "mix" the signal correclty using many throw to the same catch ?

    Many thanks in advance

    posted in technical issues 15 years agoread more
  • xray303

    I'm building a patch with several time the same abstraction (pd file) in it ..
    but in this abstration there is 3 array and i wanted to name them


    i wanted to name it like this to be sure it will not disturb the other copy of the same abstraction.

    but i get problem to fill these array because i fill them with a message like this :

    $0-samplenb 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.1 0.2 0.5

    and it doesn't reconize the $0, it's converting automaticaly to 0

    I hope my explanation are clear enought ..:)
    Many thanks

    posted in technical issues 15 years agoread more
  • xray303

    Hi, i'm building a reactable like .. for the dynamic audio matrix i'm using catch and throw but when disabling a sound, i can hear a little "click" (noise) ..

    Does anyone found a solution to remove this noise .. ???

    thanks xy

    posted in technical issues 16 years agoread more
  • xray303

    Grrr.. i'm stuck with a stupid thing.

    I'm trying to add somthing in my patch but tried several possbilities but it does'nt work ..

    imagine 1 input and 1 output .. i've a changing value (float) connected on the input and need the be replicated on the output .. but when this value is not changing the output need to be 0. the input data need to be replicated on the output only when's changing. ..

    that's my prob .. if someone got a idea .. i will be happy to read it .. :)

    Thanks in advance .


    posted in technical issues 16 years agoread more
  • xray303


    Does anybody know if someone created a GUI in GEM .. (slider, button,etc)
    or abstract/externals to help to create a gui in gem.?



    posted in pixel# 16 years agoread more
  • xray303


    I'm building a reactable like and got a "virtual-physical" prob ..

    I created different "cubes" to put on the table reconized by reactivision,each one associated to a object in PD.
    On of these is able to contol 4 parameters with 1 cube, when i put it on the table, 4 button are draw near this cube (in gem) and when i touch these buttons it activate the contol
    of the parameters, when i rotate the cube, it change the selected parameter value.
    Ex: touch param button 1 and rotate the cube to 120 deg, then touch button param2 and rotate to 90deg. (the value for param 1 will be 120 and for param2 will be 90 ).When i touch again the button param 1 it re-set the value to 120deg.
    But my prob is that the stored value (virtual) is re-set to 120 degrees but physicaly the cube is on 90 degrees and when start to rotate it again it take the physical value and start from 90deg. (because the cube is physicaly at this angle)

    My idea to resolve this was to add or substract only the variation of the angle to the stored one, then if i rotate the cube 30 deg more it will add it to the intial 120 = 150.
    i don't know exactly how to do this (newbie on pd) because for example if i add 40deg to 350 then it should be 30 deg and not 390

    i'm sorry for my bad english and it is quite difficult to explain..

    if someone know how to calculate in degrees or radian i would be happy ..

    Many thanks in advance


    posted in technical issues 16 years agoread more
  • xray303


    Jean-Yves Gratius did a lot of work on using Fids in PD.
    He did a great Abstraction pack called fid_abs.
    you can get it here : http://jy.gratius.free.fr/


    posted in patch~ 15 years agoread more
  • xray303


    Effectively i'm overloading the output, (the clip in in red) i got 105 to 107 ..

    i don't know how to count the object connected (it's dynamic) .. i need a global variable ..

    But did someone already get this kind of prob with throw and catch .. ??



    posted in technical issues 15 years agoread more
  • xray303


    Try this pack (DIY2 by hardoff), i saw some 808_state there ..



    posted in patch~ 15 years agoread more
  • xray303


    I get the same prob with [<~] [>~] [==~] but don't know which expr to use to replace it ..

    copuld someone help me .. ?

    Many thanks..

    posted in abstract~ 15 years agoread more
  • xray303

    Many thanks ... it works fine ...

    posted in technical issues 15 years agoread more
  • xray303


    But between scope xyz an gem.scope, did someone try to see which one take the lowest ressource .?
    .. because if you are trying to build a reactable like, you will need to show 20 realtime different signal in the same time and is quite cpu expensive .. :)

    posted in pixel# 16 years agoread more
  • xray303

    you can find something similar in PDMTL abstraction called gem scope.
    don't know which one take more ressource but used gem scope and works fine using few signal on the same gem window ..

    posted in pixel# 16 years agoread more
  • xray303

    Hi toxonic,

    I also saw the same error on WinXP if you are using a separator

    If it's come from a separator, i saw a patch to replace the separator in the fid_abs abstractions :http://jy.gratius.free.fr/

    See the patch below


    posted in pixel# 16 years agoread more
  • xray303

    Hi toxonic,

    I also saw the same error on WinXP if you are using a separator

    If it's come from a separator, i saw a patch to replace the separator in the fid_abs abstractions :http://jy.gratius.free.fr/

    See the patch below


    posted in pixel# 16 years agoread more
  • xray303


    it Doesn't find the default sample ... just put yours in it .. and it should work..

    posted in patch~ 16 years agoread more
  • xray303

    any2string and string2any are not part of PDMTL .. but don't know from where i get them ..

    Did you install PD extended ?

    Ouups .. didn't see the reply from maelstorm ..

    posted in patch~ 16 years agoread more
  • xray303


    As i can see a lot of theses errors are there because you don't have the PDMTL abstraction .. (some abs use other abs and others abs.) to get PDMTL abstraction working you need the full PDMTL package.
    Juste download them here : http://wiki.dataflow.ws/PdMtlAbstractions

    unzip them and add theses abs in PD path .. or (i'm using a lot thisfor my patches) Add a object in the main patch like this : "declare -path ./abs/pdmtl" Without the quote and the correct path to your Abstractions.

    Hope this will help you ..

    P.S For those who doesn't use or tried the PDMTL Abs. . just try them .. they are really great with a lot of different category of Abstractions ..

    posted in patch~ 16 years agoread more
  • xray303


    What do you think about fiducials .. you mean the Fiducials reconized by the software reactivision .. (Reactable software) ..?

    posted in technical issues 16 years agoread more
  • xray303

    Yeah ... working great now ...

    Great sound toxonic .. like it.. (i love 303 like sound )

    posted in patch~ 16 years agoread more
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