When I open the Pd 0.43.4-extended, in my Mac OS X 10.4.11/Intel, appear these two messages:
Gem: can't load library
pdp: can't load libraryHow can I fix that?
RFFT analysis:
SR = 44100-Hz
BS = 8 samples
Input signal = 5512.5-HzFormula for calculating the amplitudes: sqrt (re^2 + im^2)
The manual calculation of the second, third and fourth pair of samples shows different values. Someone can explain why? Please see the attached pach.
Could you confirm if my Pure Data implementation of this mathematical function (see below) is correct? Please check out. See the attachment also.Best,
L (t, c) = Lmin + [Lmax – Lmin] * [ 1 – cosϕ (t, c)] / 2
ϕ (t, c) = 2π [(c-1) * tmax + t-1] / [tmax * cmax]
t = any integer from 1 to 12
c = any integer from 1 to 10
tmax = 12
cmax = 10
Lmin = 22
Lmax = 56
2π = 6.28319Pure Data:
c t
| |
ϕ = [expr 6.28319 * ($f1 – 1) * (12 + $f2 -1) / (12 * 10)]
L = [expr 22 + 56 -22 * (1 – cos ($f1)) / 2] -
I want to send audio or synthesized sound from one computer to another one via wifi network. Which is object can I use to do that?
In another words, I am looking for an object similar to [sendOSC] but for audio.
Best regards,
Which JackPilot version do I have to use with Pd-0.40.3-extended-macosx104-i386.dmg?
Best regards,
How can I convert a html file:#N canvas 0 0 450 300 10;
#X obj 89 73 inlet;
#X obj 161 173 float;
#X obj 134 199 +;
#X msg 89 139 0;
#X obj 134 140 t f b;
#X obj 134 242 outlet;
#X text 24 169 bang to reset 0;
#X obj 89 107 route bang;
#X connect 0 0 7 0;
#X connect 1 0 2 1;
#X connect 2 0 1 1;
#X connect 2 0 5 0;
#X connect 3 0 1 0;
#X connect 4 0 2 0;
#X connect 4 1 1 0;
#X connect 7 0 3 0;
#X connect 7 1 4 0;to a pd patch?
pp2007.pt -
I bought an external audio card M-AUDIO Fast Track Pro to work with a Macbook 2.0 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo and with Pd extended 0.39. When I plug a guitar and a microphone using adc~ Pd object I noticed a significant signal latency. Even using JackPilot and after reduce the delay to 10ms in portaudio, the latency maintains. Is M-audio not good enough to play real time audio or working with Pd? How can I resolve the latency problem? What are the best external audio cards to play in real time with this set up?
Pp2007.pt -
When I use Pure Data with Reason via IAC Driver this message appear: "Computer to slow to play song"
I know, that I use a lot of Reason devices like effects, synthesizers, samplers and automatizations controlled by PD in my recently Macbook!
What can I do to fix that?
Is there any trick that I can use to resolve that?
pp2007.pt -
How can I reduce de cpu processing of the Macbook to optimise my Live work in real time with audio and video?
Is there the possibility to control the I/O vector size and signal vector size like in DSP status of Max/MSP?
PD/GEM needs more cpu processing than Max/MSP/jitter?
pp2007.pt -
The |text3d| object can read text with commas?
I have been trying but the box |message( doesn't allow use the character \ before commas like in Jitter. Is this a bug?
Is there anybody that can help me?
pp2007.pt -
Your hint is right: The X11 project does not support OSX Tiger anymore.
I will continue to use Pd-extended 0.39.3. It is stable and full of good libraries!
Thank you very much for the help.
I discovered where the error is. In the manual calculation I have to use the values extracted like they are. For example: 2.0413e-054 and not 2.0413 like I did initially.
See the patch attached.
Thanks anyway,
I need those objects too.
Those objects are written in c and they are inside of the src file in
http://pure-data.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/pure-data/externals/iem/iemmatrix/?diff_format=h&pathrev=v0-39-3-extendedSCM Repositories
I think that you have to compile them to transform it in Pure Data externals.
The [mtx_phon_curve] is a great object but I think that only generates the several curves from the equal-loudness contours. See ISO 226:2003 – Normal equal-loudness-level contours in http://www.sengpielaudio.com/Acoustics226-2003.pdf
Loy, G., 2006 (pp. 167-168), turns clear our issue when he said: “In general, for a sinusoid with frequency f, we want to know what intensity I is required so that it will have the same loudness L as a sinusoid at 1000 Hz. Let ε be the criterion of equal loudness. Then for some frequency f and loudness L, we want to solve the relation I = ε (L, f), which tells us what intensity I is required for a sinusoid to achieve loudness L at frequency f.”
Loy, G., (2006). Musimathics 1. The Mathematical Foundations of Music. Cambridge, Massachusetts, The Mit Press, pp. 167-168.
Unfortunately, he doesn’t give any formula to achieve that.
We need a mathematical function that relates frequencies and intensities along the 40 phon curve (A-weighting). The A-weighting curve it is used with sinusoids and represents the better approximation in relation to our auditory perception. In my research I found an equation for A-weighting curves extracted from: Wong, G. (2007). Sound Level Meters, The Handbook of Noise and Vibration Control. New York. Ed. Malcohm J. Crocker, John Wiley, pp. 455-464.
See pages 457 to 459; eq. (2) and the Fig. 6 in the wong.pdf file
I’ve implemented the eq. (2) in Pure Data. Check it if it is correct.
Pd version 0.42.5-extended
Mac OS X 10.4.11/IntelSummary: missing objects and Pd crash.
1. Missing objects:
[. ] - scalar multiplication
[ascii->int float->ascii]
2. In the pix_movie-help.pd, the Pd crashes when I click in the message [create window(
I used for a long time for playing some musical works and for Presentations an open source remote control application (with Open sound control) for iPod touch/iPhone (2.2.1), called OSCRemote by Leo van der Veen. http://nr37.nl/OSCRemote/
Unfortunately, this application was removed from the iTunes store and I don’t know if it comes again.
Do you know an application with the same potential (faders, switches, xy, accelerometer, buttons) to android?
PS - You can watch excerpts of my work (demos and videos concert) in https://sites.google.com/site/pedropatricio2008/computermusicphd
Best wishes,
I think that JackPilot doesn’t work via wireless but via LAN. My goal is to do it through a wireless network using for that a WIFI connection.
Best regards,