With all those numbers glued together it's hard to see what belongs where.
2.0413e-054 -8.6705e-06-3.7551e-06-3.0716e-060 0 0
0 1.7643e-055.3644e-075.3644e-070 0 0 0
If you write the output of [rfft~] to a table and then read the values from there, you'll notice that real index 1 has value 4 and the rest is all very small numbers in scientific notation, or zero. Very different from the numbers in your manual calculations.
By the way I am using [fft~] & co a lot these days and they seem to work fine. The only thing I didn't know yet is where [rfft~] stores the Nyquist coefficient. So now is a good opportunity to check that in your patch with [osc~ 22050]. O wow, the Nyquist coefficient doesn't appear anywhere. So if you need Nyquist coefficient, use [fft~] instead.