can anyone help? I'm trying to load a short sample into an array but I keep getting the message 'warning: array rightbike: clearing save-in-patch flag' and doesn't load the array. what does this mean?
By the way I have loaded other samples successfully. Maybe I should mention the samples I'm having trouble with are 'right channel only, mono'.
I get this message when I connect my Wii controller to the earplug~, then I'm unable to compute audio, until I re start pd.
any help would be appreciated.
not sure about routing into ableton, but [dac~ 1 2 3 4] will give you, your 4 outputs -
| \
| \
| \
| [tabplay~ array name]
[tabplay~ array name]Hope this is clear, basically a bang object to all your arrays will trigger them all at the same time
Flipp, here's a youtube video on the order of operation in Pd.
Hope it helps. Watch from 1:50
I think you could use the [moses] object. Have a look at Obiwannabe's example with the use of this object here:
http://puredata.hurleur.com/sujet-1553-advanced-conditional-route -
I also use the wii with Pd via Osculator. Never tried the [dump] object, but I send values as midi, using the [ctlin] object. Also works fine.
Yeah the array names I mean. I just name them the same as the file, so it stays clear from me. If I haven't opened a patch for a while, I can immediately see what's in the array.
Ah I see now! I never realised 1 array is just the left channel. That's why I was having issues loading the right channel!! Thanks for clarifying.
Awesome!! so important for me to able to do that as I'm working on a binaural project.
Brilliant!! thanks so much. Looking at your example, I found I just had to right the name of the file again.
So I ended up with[read -resizse $ filename filename(
[soundfiler]So am I right in thinking the first 'filename' is left channel/stereo and the 2nd 'filename' is right channel?
All the same, it works a treat.
Cheers -
Ah ok.
Well I did bounce the audio from a daw, as a mono file panned hard right. I did the same for the left channel and it's works fine in pd. Just not sure why the right isn't working.
I will try what you said, and let you knowMany thanks
Hi, if I've understood you question correctly. Think you'll need a basis in Sound Synthesis. I know what you mean about wanting to avoid music theory, so went through the Audio Engineering route (although it touches on theory) that's given me a real grounding for Audio Programming (not that I'm great at it) but it speaks the same language (so to speak).
There is also SuperCollider which can be used to create plugins/effects.
As for careers to program audio effects, try looking as games jobs.
It's totally possible to teach, and bypass music theory. You could just specialize in programming. When I was taught Max/Msp, Pure Data, SuperCollider, the lecturer didn't mention any music theory. Then again it probably was mentioned, but more in engineering language (you know hertz rather than notes).Hope this helps a little
I started with this tutorial, nice and clear, at the end, I managed do to my first, pretty complexed patch for an end of year project.