• Nk

    can anyone help? I'm trying to load a short sample into an array but I keep getting the message 'warning: array rightbike: clearing save-in-patch flag' and doesn't load the array. what does this mean?

    By the way I have loaded other samples successfully. Maybe I should mention the samples I'm having trouble with are 'right channel only, mono'.

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  • Nk

    I get this message when I connect my Wii controller to the earplug~, then I'm unable to compute audio, until I re start pd.

    any help would be appreciated.

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  • Nk

    not sure about routing into ableton, but [dac~ 1 2 3 4] will give you, your 4 outputs

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  • Nk

    very good!

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  • Nk

    | \
    | \
    | \
    | [tabplay~ array name]
    [tabplay~ array name]

    Hope this is clear, basically a bang object to all your arrays will trigger them all at the same time

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  • Nk

    Flipp, here's a youtube video on the order of operation in Pd.
    Hope it helps. Watch from 1:50

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  • Nk

    I think you could use the [moses] object. Have a look at Obiwannabe's example with the use of this object here:

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  • Nk

    I also use the wii with Pd via Osculator. Never tried the [dump] object, but I send values as midi, using the [ctlin] object. Also works fine.

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  • Nk

    Yeah the array names I mean. I just name them the same as the file, so it stays clear from me. If I haven't opened a patch for a while, I can immediately see what's in the array.

    Ah I see now! I never realised 1 array is just the left channel. That's why I was having issues loading the right channel!! Thanks for clarifying.

    Awesome!! so important for me to able to do that as I'm working on a binaural project. :-)

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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!