I have a random 100 object, and for example after a bang I get the number 53. I want in the next bang the number 53 to have 0% probability to occur again. In the second bang to have a 1% probability, in the third 2% and so on. And this should happen for all number that are coming. Any idea how to costruct such an object?
Extended random object
Haven't ever used an object exactly like the one you've described, above, but attached is a Unique Random Number generator called [c_urn]. It's taken from Rj Lib, which can be downloaded here: http://github.com/rjdj/
I'm sure this will get you a bit of the way!
it doesn't do what I am asking for but it can do my job. Thanks a lot!!!
I think you could use the [moses] object. Have a look at Obiwannabe's example with the use of this object here:
http://puredata.hurleur.com/sujet-1553-advanced-conditional-route -
Technically, if you have a [random 100], 53 is already at a 1% probability. I don't know if what you described is exactly what you mean. But this patch does what I think you mean.
i really like putting a metro 50 into it and then just watch it
maybe the table could be used for something... maybe as a basis for a sequencer?pd redefining mathematics |expr fact(0)|==0
Yeah that's a living random object! Thanks Maelstrom!!!
it lives
and breathes
again!pd redefining mathematics |expr fact(0)|==0