im a newbie to PD, but not to programming (C++) and Im pretty competent with Max/MSP.
I decided to give PD a try, as I want to use it on a Raspberry PI and Linux environment.
anyway, my issue is:
Ive written a program (in C) that sends alot of messages via OSC to be picked up by OSC, using mrpreach udpreceive/unpackOSC/routeOSC etc.
and Im testing it on my Mac, and PD is seriously lagging behind processing the osc messages. yet the CPU load is pretty load.
... to me it appears that perhaps a control rate needs to increased?
(assuming PD is like Max and Reaktor which has two rates for message processing)
I need to process about 1000 osc message/sec, perhaps more ... though I think its lagging behind at substantial less than that.
exactly the same setup works absolutely fine on Max/MSP (7.2) , so I think its something to do with my PD setup.
but I tried both pd-extended and pd-vanilla (as it mores up to date) and both had the same issue.
- is there some concept of 'control rate' in PD? can I increase this some how?
- is this likely to be a Mac only issue, or on all versions of PD? (e.g Linux)
- are these the best processing objects for OSC?
thanks for any help
p.s. any recommendations on best PD setup for the Mac? pd-extended seems very old, it seems perhaps pd-vanila + the defin (?) extension finder is best option.
PD 0.46-6-64 bit (vanilla) + mrpeach extensions
Mac OSX 10.11.2
(also tried latest PD-extended, 32 bit, same issue)