Hello. I Installed PD-Extended, and could not configure sound. I have Lexiconpro Lambda usb thingy, and it just wont work. Any help is greatly welcome
No sound at all... \[ help a newbie \]
which OS are you on?
If win xp:
Open PD, go to "Media" -> "Audio Settings" and check if your soundcard
is selected; if it is, go to "Media" -> "Test Audio and Midi" that opens a
patch with some testing; play with "test signal", you should hear something..
(PS: check if the "compute audio" radio button is activated in the main PD window).
In general, if your audio systems works, there should be no problems with PD.Best
If you have a camera plugged in (ichat) , go into preferences -> audio settings then untick the input (isight) device 1.
It worked for me.
Immidietly after PD starts, it says "audio I/O stuck... closing audio" and if i try to modify audo setting, i get stuck while choosing which audio device to use, so that i must kill PD from task manager.
Oh, yes, i use win XP -
Still not working
you could...
make sure your audio card is set to a frequency/sample depth that PD can handle (e.g. 44.1kHz, 16bit)
make sure no other programs are running that may be using yr soundcard and interfearing w/ PD
try a different version of PD
try a different soundcard (do you have an onboard one?)
@vynlOverdrive said:
you could...
make sure your audio card is set to a frequency/sample depth that PD can handle (e.g. 44.1kHz, 16bit)
make sure no other programs are running that may be using yr soundcard and interfearing w/ PD
try a different version of PD
try a different soundcard (do you have an onboard one?)
Soundcard is set so 44.1kHz 16 bit, and voila! Pd works. Just there are few bugs, fault of the card actually, it is bloody "single tasking",so, if one program uses it, no other can
Well, exception to that is foobar2k,msn,vlc which work happily together, but if i run something bigger, wondorous mischief happends
I have onboard soundcard, but, i dont know if i can actually use two at once?
You could try asio4all.com it's a wdm asio driver for all wdm compatible sound cards, I used it on Windows XP to let PD use multiple soundcards at once.
Select asio4all as the sound source in PD and then use a [dac~ 1 2 7 8] to output to the different asio4all channels (which can be diffrent devices...)
Again i have the same problem, and i forgot what made PD work last time :D
I installed from here http://autobuild.puredata.info/auto-build/latest/ and now when i uninstall, and go back to previous version, i cant get no sound again