I recently switched from Windows XP to OS X, I heard great things about Apple's core audio... but I can't get past 15ms latency without introducing crackles. I have macbook (2Ghz core 2 duo, 1GB RAM and use the built in audio).
How is your latency?
What soundcard/drivers are you using?
I tried the 0.40-2 universal binary, but it didn't make a difference.
I get 2ms latency on most of my other music software on the MacBook...
You could send an email to the author of pd, Miller's address is on his website.
I found a solution!
If you delete the settings file from Users/<you>/Library/Preferences/org.puredata.pd.plist on OS X
Puredata extended will create a new one for you if you save your settings (sans all the libraries). You can add the libraries/externals you need later bij adding them from the preferences.
Now it loads your settings on startup, I guess the problem is in the number of libraries in the config file.
Hope this helps,
I just checked, the Pd version 0.38.4-extended-RC8 is buggy that's why I don't have this problem!
I'm using the latest release from Miller's website 0.40-2 for intel mac on OS X 10.4.8
You could try asio4all.com it's a wdm asio driver for all wdm compatible sound cards, I used it on Windows XP to let PD use multiple soundcards at once.
Select asio4all as the sound source in PD and then use a [dac~ 1 2 7 8] to output to the different asio4all channels (which can be diffrent devices...)
This is not obvious but actualy quite simply done in pure data, without using comandline !
From the menu select PD>Preferences>Startup: Press "Save all setting" and then press "Apply" and then press "OK"
Your settings wil now load when PD is started.
By the way, I just bought my macbook a few days ago and noticed I can't get below 15ms latency with the core audio drivers, how are your latencies? Are you using Jack? (I haven't figured out how it works yet)
Also I noticed the help-intro.pd file from the 5.Reference section of the helpfiles is to big to display on a 1280x800 macbook screen, but if you edit the help-intro.pd file and change the first line to:
#N canvas 155 0 693 650 12; (the fourth number is the widow height, which used to be 923 or something)
I think this is one of the main differences between max and pd!
Pd patches are always open source.
I remember reading that pd can't export to executables because off patent issues with max (I could be wrong...)