OK, I think I might be closer to a problem with this. I do not think I understand unix and the structure of the program well enough to understand how to rectify the problem I am having.
I get not using cd. Understood now. Thanks dd2_music.
Here is the problem I am running into.
I have a patch I am using when run by itself, the path way is (all of this is on a mac):
Let's say I have a folder that is called test2delete
I can use the unix command
mkdir user/name/Desktop/test2delete
rm -r user/name/Desktop/test2delete
to make and delete the directory.
Also, this works:
mkdir /user/name/Desktop/test2delete
rm -r /user/name/Desktop/test2delete
BOTH work.
Now, if I open ofelia or ofelia was an object in any file while pd was open during the session.
then ONLY the version that starts with a backslash works.
mkdir /user/name/Desktop/test2delete
rm -r /user/name/Desktop/test2delete
So part of my frustration as I read your initial help was that you did not include the '/' in you example:
I.e. not cd xxx/yyy/zzz && ls, but ls xxx/yyy/zzz. (See above)
Once I added the backslash to any of the desired actions the unix commands work. So, I can use ls, mkdir, rm, and such.
So, your example would have been /xxx/yyy/zzz
So, I think my question about ofelia still "somewhat" pertains. Perhaps you know the answer?
Why does ofelia make unix commands include a backslash before the beginning of the path?
Whereas if ofelia was never opened it does not need the backslash?
I hope that vindicates me a bit.