* Hi everyone
I have searched around, I found any solutions that match my problem or are up-to-date unfortunately.
I’m having trouble unpacking and/Or routing the data coming in from sensors attached to my Arduino uno. The senses are working fine when I check the Arduino serial monitor before I began looking at the PD patch.
I just can’t seem to get them to unpack, or route in PD 0.5
Just wondering if anyone else has solved this - or has found this to be a problem?
Attached are images of two separate Arduino Scripps I’ve tried. One to try unpacking, the other to try routing - Plus, an image of my pure data patch to try testing the incoming signal data.
 [sAp-Sensors Input Test.pd](/uploads/files/1729806028183-sap-sensors-input-test.pd)  
Connecting and Unpacking or Routing from Arduino uno
Sorry just wasn’t sure if the images uploaded properly. Doing it from my iPhone so not used to how it looks
You might want to give [serial_print] abstraction a try, I made it especially for communicating with Arduino's Serial.print() function. Your Arduino code seems alright for this case. You can find the abstraction here.
Connect [comport] to [serial_print], and both outlets of [serial_print] to [s ] ([send]) without arguments, like this:[comport 1 9600] | [serial_print] | / | / | / | / [send]
Then use [r ] ([recieve]) objects with the same argument as the string you use in your Arduino code, for example [r p], [r s1], [r f1], [r f2] for your first Arduino sketch, and [r a1] etc. [r dist] for your second sketch.
@alexandros thanks so much. I will give this a try this afternoon
@alexandros said:
Just set this up - worked absolutely perfectly! Thanks so so much... I've been going around and round in circles over this for about two months!
Thanks againdREw
Happy that it worked.