@alexandros said:
Just set this up - worked absolutely perfectly! Thanks so so much... I've been going around and round in circles over this for about two months!
Thanks againdREw
@alexandros thanks so much. I will give this a try this afternoon
Sorry just wasn’t sure if the images uploaded properly. Doing it from my iPhone so not used to how it looks
* Hi everyone I have searched around, I found any solutions that match my problem or are up-to-date unfortunately. I’m having trouble unpacking and/Or routing the data coming in from sensors attached to my Arduino uno. The senses are working fine when I check the Arduino serial monitor before I began looking at the PD patch. I just can’t seem to get them to unpack, or route in PD 0.5 Just wondering if anyone else has solved this - or has found this to be a problem? Attached are images of two separate Arduino Scripps I’ve tried. One to try unpacking, the other to try routing - Plus, an image of my pure data patch to try testing the incoming signal data.  [sAp-Sensors Input Test.pd](/uploads/files/1729806028183-sap-sensors-input-test.pd)  
Thanks! will do sorry - I only just checked back for repies after being sick for a few days
Hi everyone,
I know this keeps oming up, or has done a few times - so apologies. I searched for te answer but couldn't find it for 0.51.4
i used to use maxlib/scale as a scale obejct (similar to maxmsp scale), but now that's not woking or available since upgrading to pd 0.51.4 -Would someone mind pointing me in the right direction to replace or re-install a scale object for pd 0.51.4?
Thanks so much
Thanks. Will give that a go when back home
Thanks a lot -
Great! Thanks so much. Still getting used to working with Vanilla after ing on extended. Just need to get iem_alisttosym to work now. Even after downloading ilem library it doesn't appear Even when I open the iem_alisttosym-help file from within the externals folder. The help files there, but not the actual external.
Seems strange
Hi there,
I couldn't find if anyone else is having the same problem, but I need to use [zl group] but this is coming up as a missing object. I am guessing that any of the other objects associated with zl will also be missing.
I am using PD 0.51.4
Sorry this has been posted before but I couldn't find it. All my plants seem correct in PD, I just don't seem to have these objects for some reason
Drew -
Sorry for late reply! Thank you so much got it sorted now I think.