Thanks for the ideas.
@whale-av said:
Maybe you "just" add the arguments after the patch name?
Yeah, that seems like something undocumented that Pd would support, but alas, it doesn't. [pd~ start subprocess.pd 42( just causes the subprocess console to print ""42.000000: can't open"
-send "msg..." -- send a message at startup, after patches are loaded
.... where does it go?...... maybe -send receivename message ...?
-msg "cheer go bears" sends [go bears( to [r cheer], which is probably what you meant. I'd use that but what I'm trying to do is set the clone start index [clone -s $1 dollyTheSheep] and there's no clone message that does that (as far as this blind man can see).
-extraflags <s> -- string argument to send schedlib
I don't know where to begin with this one.
Oooh, wait! If it doesn't exist, then maybe -send "msg" together with dynamic patching would work?