@yannseznec It looks like as of Oct 11 PiOS started to use PipeWire as the audio server. I don't know much about PipeWire yet but from what I understand it can be configured to release ALSA ports directly to applications or it can emulate ALSA for applications which do not speak PipeWire, I suspect the later is your issue, PipeWire on PiOS is likely configured for general desktop audio type tasks and not the needs of realtime audio. So you have a few options; you can learn how to get Pipewire to expose ALSA ports, configure Pipewire for realtime audio, disable/remove PipeWire completely which should be simple but could be a headache depending on how PiOS is setup, or just move to an older version of PiOS. In my limited experience with PipeWire it was not bad to work with and easy compared to PulseAudio but has yet to be fully implemented on my distro of choice so had some issues which caused me to abandon it for the time being. Personally I would learn to use it since it is going to become a fact of life in the very near future and has some nice features, but on a pi meant for live audio there is sense in just dumping it.
Edit: You could also try PipeWire's Jack emulation before digging in, might require rebuilding pd with jack enabled but it may solve the issues easily and not require having to deal with sticking to an old PiOS or dealing with OS update/fresh install configuration headaches down the road.