How can I make it open the patch in the already running pd instance?
I use terminal a lot in my workflow, and usually launch things from terminal (I use 'lf' which is a terminal file explorer). Is there any trick to make xdg-open
acknowledge an already running instance?
heres the pure data desktop file da xdg-open
uses to handle .pd files:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Pure Data (Pd)
Exec=pd-gui %F
Comment=Visual dataflow programming platform for multimedia
Comment[ca]=Plataforma de programació visual per aplicacions multimèdia
Comment[de]=Grafische Datenflussprogrammierung für Multimedia
Comment[es]=Plataforma de programación visual para aplicaciones multimedia
Comment[fr]=Plateforme de programmation visuelle pour applications multimédia
Comment[it]=Piattaforma di programmazione visuale per applicazioni multimedia
Comment[pt]=Plataforma de programação visuais para multimedia
GenericName=Dataflow IDE
I know this is unix related, I even tried asking in unix stack exchange but pure data seems to be alien to them: