@lacuna said:
Hard to tell without more details. I also have no experience with motorfader-hacks, but am interested.
At a precision of 1600 values it is very likely some subtle hardware bouncing, resonance of motor, dirt or similar ?
How slow do you drive them?
I would maybe try to eleminate the discontinuity on the hardware / measurement side, instead of cheating.
Do several measurements, instead of one shot only.
Also try to drive it from Pd instead of Cubase. Very slowly. Calibrating. Remember, there is some latency, too.
Anyway, this is what you where asking for, I think:
new romantics )
@lacuna Hey, thank you very much, for your help and the patch! 
I will now describe more precisely, what I would like to do. I thought, it would be a little bit off topic, because it is a bigger project.
Also, I think, I described it not correctly with the motorfader recording. That isn't true. My english is not the best, so my formulations arent always on point, but I will try my best.
So, to describe my Project, I am working on:

I have an old 20 years old "Steinberg Houston" Midi-Controller, which works via the Mackie Protocoll. It was specifically designed as a Cubase / Nuendo Controller back in the days. Cubase / Nuendo are also, as far as I know, the only DAWs with which the controller is working nowadays.
Almost all DAWs are supporting the specifications of a "Mackie Universal Pro" Controller. So I would like to program a Midi-Data Converter, so I can use my controller with other DAWs as a "Mackie Universal Pro" Controller.
At the moment I already found out, which midi Data the faders send and which midi data the DAW Cubase sends to the Controller. I also converted the Midi Data, so that I can use the controller faders, while Cubase thinks, it is a Mackie Universal Pro.
So, but the problem, why I started this thread is, that I noticed, that the Mackie Controller needs to get different values from the DAW to get the right fadermovement done, than my Steinberg Houston. For example: When I set my Fader in the DAW to 6 dBFS, my Conroller Fader moves correctly to 6 dBFS, as that is the highest fader value in Cubase. Also the other way around. If I set the Fader in Cubase to -00 dBFS, also my Fader of the controller is at the right position. So the lowest and highest values are correct. But if I set -20 dBFS in Cubase via Mackie UP Mode, my controller sets the fader to -10 dBFS. In the original Cubase "Steinberg Houston" mode, the fader movements are very precise and always are reflecting the number, which I set in the mixer in Cubase.
So my Idea was, to first send all Pitchbend values from Pure Data via Midi to Cubase in Houston Mode. I tricked Cubase in thinking, I would use the Houston Controller, but used Pure Data instead, to be very precise. Then in the preferences of cubase, I deleted all automation smoothing and set up a tempo in Cubase and with Metro in Pure Data, so that each 8th note, one pitch bend value is send to Cubase. and I synchronised both my DAW Cubase and Pure Data with a C3, sent from Cubase, when I start the Playback in Cubase. This C3 is then sent to Pure Data and than acts as a bang in PD to start the metro and sends the Midi Values. This midi Values are written then in Cubase as a Automation.
Then after that, I did the same process again, and recorded the Automation Values in Pure Data. But these values arent as smoothe as I would like to have them, even I recorded them that slow, that I set a metro of 8 per second which is for the 14 Bit values something like half an hour. The faders are the most important feature of my Controller for me, so I take the right amount of time to get them very precisely.
Between: I also found out the SysEx values to display what I want on my two rows houston display with Pure Data which was fun.