@romulovieira-me It should be very simple using MrPeach.

If you are using Pd-extended you need [import mrpeach]
For Vanilla maybe [declare -lib mrpeach]
Osc messages need an address.
I have put /python...... it could be /test or /anything.
The address can be longer......
You could have for example /mixer/fader1 and then /mixer/fader2 ...... the address tells the receiver how to differentiate messages on the same port.
"send" tells [packOSC] that it is a message that it should send.
If your receiver (python) is on the same computer then [connect localhost portnumber(
If it is on another computer [connect IPaddress portnumber(
i.e. [connect 9997(
Hey-ho........ I just noticed you posted your patch.
I have not changed it.... I just changed the objects to their basic names and it works for me........
MrPeach is usually reliable sending OSC bundles in the correct format.
OSC can be sent in various formats and it can be necessary to set the format for each part of a bundle..... so for /test 0.5 hello 2 using the new vanilla objects the format would have to be set as fsi.....float symbol integer
But MrPeach does that automatically.
I have never coded in Python though.