I thought I understood giving each abstraction a unique name, [Abst 1], [Abst 2], etc. would allow differences in each abstraction to be saved, but that seems to just load the last setting saved on the abstraction into all the abstractions when they reload. Does each uniquely named abstraction have to save it's settings externally in the parent patch? Is it easier to just use Sub-patches?
I've tried what I feel like all the relevant resources from the forums, including Whale-av's ShowMeDollars.pd file, which was really helpful, yet I seem to be no further in understanding what I need to do. There was a Maelstrom savestate patch linked to the Heurleur forums, but that seems to have disappeared.
Apologies, I know this comes up a lot, but still finding it hard to crack this. Any help/tips would be greatly appreciated, I've attached the small patch I'm working on (made in Purr data if there are any problems opening it). StepSequencer.zip