Hi all,
I recently dug out an old Eeepc 701 4G from Asus that I bought second-hand in 2008 - 1-core Intel Celeron inside, with 4GB RAM. I have an audio interface Roland UA22 so that the setup can support realtime audio (Debian 10, RT kernel, jack with RT) with no XRuns and latency <10ms at 44100Hz/128/3. However, obviously, as soon as the CPU is expected to do some calculation, it is much less fun!
In particular I want to use a sampler for some instruments, typically a drumkit connected to MIDI pads, so I wrote a small no-gui Pd patch to load one single wav file in each of 16 clones (for 16 pads) responding to 16 midi notes. I want to keep them in separate clones so that I can assign them to different audio output. Right now it is quite CPU intensive, so I will have to add [switch~] and volume ramps to turn on dsp processing only when the midi note is played and hopefully without clicks.
Further in the workflow, Non-Mixer and Non-Timeline work great for a few tracks, but if I try to record several tracks for several of the drums audio outputs at the same time then the poor laptop is struggling.
TL;DR: Long story short, I'm considering using less fancy mixer and audio sequencer, i.e. command line or Pd patches with no or very basic GUI (no live GUI update as I record for example), BUT I would like to be able to occasionally use some audio effects (reverb, delay and such). Before I get into that, do you guys think that such solution would be bearable for the brave eeepc? Would other languages be more efficient than Pd on this machine?
Or (this is not the right place to ask, but I try anyway) do you know terminal-based utilities that could fulfill this otherwise? I'm thinking of a ncurses mixer similar to alsamixer, or an audio sequencer in the style of CuSE, which would be awesome.