I made a patch, with a subpatch, where the subpatch processes a pix_image by pix_kaleidoscope. The subpatch contains animation for some of the coordinates, etc.
Then I added a second copy of the subpatch, to produce a different image as an alpha mask.
Then I added a third copy, to produce a background animation over which the first subpatch should be overlaid, with transparency.
After adding the third supatch, the first one stops animating.
I'm not using any named send-receive pairs here. There should be no naming conflicts.
Is there a limit on the number of pix_kaleidoscopes in a patch?
I have tried to rebuild this patch multiple times, and every time, it fails in the same way.
I'm getting frustrated. I'm sorry but I've been working on this demo for class for SIX HOURS and it still isn't working. It's 9:30 pm. I have to give up.
I don't like giving up.