How to connect multiple outlets to multiple inlets, etc.
(I saw someone do this on a video so looked it up.
The info was originally posted on the newsgroup at:
[link Intelligent Patching](link by IOhannes m zmoelnig .)
These do work. Just sort of tricky to get the steps right.
Intelligent Patching
new connection features:
select any two objects, and press <Ctrl>+<k> (or <Cmd>+<k> if you insist), to connect them (trivially, so just the first inlet)
to connect a (signal) outlet to multiple arbitrary inlets, you can now press <Shift> while hovering the yet-unconnected cord over an inlet
to add more connections between two already connected object, select the connection and pressl <Ctrl>+<d> to extend the connections to the right ("duplicate")
to fully connect two objects, select both objects before connecting them.
to connect multiple objects to a single inlet, select all the source objects (but not the sink object) before connecting them.
(the other way round works as well, but will give you fan-outs!!!)
to connect multiple objects to a multi-inlet object, select all the source objects and the sink object before connecting the leftmost source to the leftmost inlet.
to connect a multi-outlet object to multiple objects, select all the source object and all the sink objects before connecting the leftmost outlet to the leftmost sink.
:end quote
May the info/techniques help to expedite yr work flow.
Peace through sharing.