@dom1817 You can use a canvas to display dynamic text from a parameter object like a hslider so that you cannot modify the value but just read it (your canvas is like a screen that just shows your number). You can change the value in an indirect way by using the hslider in your GUI. The advantage of this idea is that you can have many parameters values and all of them can be shown into just one small canvas object saving a lot of space inside your GUI. Having a lot of number boxes inside GUI is not a good idea to show parameters values. The disadvantage is that you need to put more code into your GUI.
You can check this module that i made. It contains a feedback monitor screen for reading parameters. See the small "wave_sweep<-0.61" canvas in the imagine. It shows the values of the sweep hslider.
WaveMaker patch download :

Here is a more simplified version to show how to do it :
OBS ! the "$0-clear-send" names come from right-click on each objects and set under "Messeges" the "send symbol" and "receive symbol" so that you don't need to use wiring between GUI objects. The "send symbol" is the output of that object and the "receive symbol" is the input. the "$0" symbol is used so that you can have the same GUI multiple times in the same patch without problems. You can also change in "label p1-$1" like "label Value:->$1" so in canvas will look like "Value:-> [your parameter value]" for aesthetics purpose.
snapshot :