hi David, I am learning the pd I think I know which patch to add the mute button connect > connect_recloopsave. But I don't knowhow.
I am wondering do you have time to help me with that? Sur
This Loop Machine (4 tracks) nearly perfect but.....
@Butahuruf Tel me where and I will try to help.
Maybe it will trigger some memory from the last attempt.
David. -
@whale-av Hi David,
Last time you made 'the mute buttons'. It works perfectly.
Meanwhile, I made minor changes on some patches (extended the looper time, etc) and try to understand how the patches work.
Now I know on which patch to connect 'the mute buttons' with the arduino/midi/keyboard. patches > connect > connect_recloopsave.pd but I don't know how to do it. I need your help with this.The moonlooper is on machines > 1 > moon_loopstation.pd
I put all files on Google Drive https://drive.google.com/open?id=1CSpuR7y1F10naIZWwM_ukBqYayZ_pSO2
thanks Sur
@Butahuruf Struggling.... but.
Do you have dedicated mute buttons somewhere now?
If so here is a changed [my_mod_mute]........... my_mod_mute.pd
And here is a new [connect_recloopsave]........ connect_recloopsave.pd
Don't forget to backup before overwriting them.It should learn and connect mute buttons to [my_mute_mod]
I am not sure if that is what you want or if it will work.
But I am starting to understand the patch again so let me know and I should be able to work faster.
David. -
@whale-av David, it works! Thank you!
I try to make the dedicated mute buttons, but for now it is ok.
2 things. I connect the mute buttons to the keyboard. it mutes as long as the key is down.
Can you change it toggle?
and can you release all mute buttons if the "all play" button is clicked?I also try to understand the audio > recloopsaveundo to change the behavior of overdub (write_other_loop) ... this is most reasonless of this looper. Why should you wait to write another loop on the existing table?
I would like to start the overdub immediately without waiting for the end of the loop cycle. My PD knowledge is still very beginning to change this. -
@Butahuruf This should toggle the mutes...... maybe....... my_mod_mute.pd
I will look at the other things this evening.
David. -
@whale-av the toggle mute doesn't toogle the 1st click is muted, 2nd click is still that way.
"I will look at the other things this evening." Yai!
@Butahuruf Mute toggle...... If at first you don't succeed try and try_again.zip
All 3 files for the machine/1 folder.
Hoping we are lucky.
David. -
@whale-av It works like a charm thank you!
Let's go to the next issues -
@whale-av Hi David, I make progress on PD learning. I able to unmute all by press 'global play'
I use 'send and receive' object . Can you check the patch and maybe give me some tips for better code?
send from UI > ui_tempo_small.pd and recieve it on my_mod_mute.pd
We have the last issue.... the overdub issue I don't understand yet how it works
Sur -
@whale-av the new un-mute buttons work only on PD GUI. It doesn't send bang if I connect it to the keyboard/midi/arduino.
What did I do wrong? -
@Butahuruf The play button in ui_tempo_small obviously does "play" but when the command comes from a control rather than the Pd GUI it is not actually "banged".
There is an incoming message that changes it's colour to green and that is all,, so here I have just hooked that up to your "unmute" send as well...... ui_tempo_small.pd
David. -
@whale-av Thank you again it works! now I need more time to understand what you've done.
Sur -
@Butahuruf @whale-av David, do you have time to check the overdub issue? Thanks
Sur -
@Butahuruf I found the logic and where it happens and started to study it again.
Very little time at the moment.
I will try to post something soon and it will be unsure whether it will work.
David. -
@whale-av Happy to hear! can't wait to see it.
Do you how to track/search 'send' and 'receive' easily? -
@Butahuruf with ctrl+f you can search for any names in your patch.
@Jona thanks. Can you also track 'send' and 'receive' through windows and patches in a folder?
@Butahuruf only if they are part of the patch you are searching in (abstractions for example). (probably you could also do a document text search in a folder structure because a patch is just text, not sure about that).
@Jona said:
(probably you could also do a document text search in a folder structure because a patch is just text, not sure about that).
You can, I do it all the time using TextPad's "Find In Files..." tool.