Years ago i could change the colors of the default background, objects, wires and in- and outlets and all that stuff by either editing pd-gui.tcl or by using the object [sys_gui] in the "hcs" external.
Meanwile some adressing of these objects have changed in the code... i cannot make out from the sourcecode what these are.
Also i read there are things like gui-plugins for pd to do this, but i cannot seem to find these anywhere.
Anyone could point me in the right direction to do this?
(i know i could use Purr-data as it has a theming feature build in, but i need it in vanilla too)
changing default interface colors in pd 0.46 (and newer)
@Newk Not so much can be changed in Vanilla. This changes the window background in Vanilla and Linux at least...... depending on the day of the week....... colours and cord arrows.zip
Plugins need to be in a Pd path somewhere so that they load at Pd startup.
It was just for fun.....
I have included a plugin that shows arrows on cords when in edit mode (someone else's work).
If you google search this forum you will find that some other things can be done but the C code needs to be modified........."colors-plugin.tcl" here https://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/topic/11343/changing-font-color-in-pd-vanilla might work for OSX....? The variables in that plugin do not exist in Vanilla for windows.
Vanilla is more integrated with each OS windowing systems..... so less compatibility across platforms.
P.S. It was always unfinished business.....
I am about to add to this thread....... https://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/topic/9960/tcl-for-a-rainy-day -
thank you for the heads up! Will try how much more i can color besides just the background with Tcl... but i have a feeling they removed all the hooks for it
@whale-av you could use the pdnext mod in Windows if you compile it yourself (& maybe someone could send me a binary as well
what would be the benefit of pd-next over purr data
If it's just about giving colors to vanilla.. why can't this just merge with vanilla?? -
@Newk Did you try...... https://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/topic/9960/tcl-for-a-rainy-day/24 ... ?
I have no idea if it could work with Purr Data soit would be interesting to know.
David. -
@Newk I opened a pull request and feel like I've done everything they asked..
The only reason to use the next mod (I need to find a better name lol) over purr-data is to use tcl/tk I think.. I don't know much about purr-data, but Next is pretty much identical to vanilla except that inlet/outlets are different, and I've included [initbang] and [closebang] (+ colors obvs) -
just bumping this to say I see there's still activity on that pull request, and it would be brilliant if it would finally be merged with vanilla. great job @seb-harmonik-ar !
(i just want to color my signal cords!)
@rvirmoors thanks (in the meantime you can use the mod, now compiled for windows too): https://github.com/sebshader/pdnext/releases