what the download is - it has 17 pages of info on how to do usb- boot disk / bios / with the correct locations for the mx iso and then it has images of the correct install locations and install process for gem and pmpd because all of that is sort of difficult without instructions.
This is how I set up a linux debian for pd and how to install GEM from terminal and PMPD-tar , how to get programs from debian package installer / gimp etc lots `of pictures
https://patchstorage.com/how-to-install-linux-mx-for-pd-gem-pmpd-my-setup/ -
in GEM you could do that. you get the midi signals from the pad first. have it going into pd vanilla
then you use the signal in gem on a pix-texture
I have this screengrab where Im going backwards on the math page maybe it will help you.
you should look through all the audio examples on the help files - some people dont see them right away. bpm / microseconds per minute is 60000 60000 divided by metro something.
I changed it to the tbf version and now the error has dissapeared from my own version! and the delay time is now donwn magically to 5 ms from 25 !! which I thought is impossible!
Willsuperfast1.pd -
here is an explaination of the actual problem - I would bet your patch doesnt work either. because it uses a subpatch.key_subpatch_test1.pd
@willblackhurst anyway I dont see why yours would work. because the thing doesnt allow the two inlets for the key objects into a subpatch without an error
weird I deleted this thread and youve kept my thing at the top??? do you know why my patch is having errors?
you might need to put declare lib-etc this is the one from pmpd
I have a pd keyboard object patch where you look for "end zero" and it decides that the 1010101 has ended. because there isnt a one when you check for it each bang etc.
https://patchstorage.com/pd-key-objects-isolated-key-up-key-down-x2-pd-vanilla/ -
right each mass has a min-max system attached to it. and it looks at the pixels surrounding the current pixel,. diagonal doesnt really happen. and the location of the mass point has the interger lines skipped.
this has some buttons on the screen for drawing and moving the map around.
https://patchstorage.com/pmpd-wheel-physics-pd-vanilla-gem-pmpd/ -
@KMETE you open pd vanilla, and the click help. at the bottom of the scroll down it says "find externals" and then it opens the dekken /search window. you maybe need a list of libraries to search for. the picture someone uploaded above this comment is missing the lower right corner - would have a button you need to look at as well.
@trummerschlunk you can get an output from the array sliders as a list and then put amp at the front and then it matches your working ones.
if you load it from dekken , it asks you to set the path etc you could try dekken and at least see what options you get.