this one is so basic that i couldn't even be bothered to take a screenshot of it.

    it's a drum-kit consisting of a kick drum, a snare drum and a hi-hat, made from a bunch of [phasor~] objects and filters.

    bang and drum.

    there are no controls on the outside, but you'll find sliders to adjust on the inside.

    made in purr data but should be vanilla enough to run anywhere


    posted in patch~ 4 years agoread more



    i present to you:


    denary bang generator

    it's really simple. all it does is throw out (up to) 10 bangs by using the uzi object (from the zexy library).,

    what is does and why?

    • hradio selects how many bangs to send out
    • the button bangs it
    • the toggle makes it bang constantly.
    • each bang has its own out.

    havn't really played around with it, just starting to learn how to make patches the
    right way.. but i think it could be fun/useful with a counter to select how many bangs to bang and such...

    maybe i should rather post this in extra~ or abstract~?



    posted in patch~ 4 years agoread more

    Necroposting for bumping.

    posted in abstract~ 4 years agoread more

    I like this, thanks for sharing ..

    I'm using it to get the average of the values from the 16 steps on my sequencer.

    posted in abstract~ 4 years agoread more

    @toxonic well.. it's a little of both.

    the idea is, to have loads of samples in the 1-2 second range, but also a bunch in the 5 second range and then some longer ones.. picked by random and played together as "songs". by a couple of hundred samples, the idea is that by all the possible combinations, there will be millions of songs.

    posted in technical issues 5 years agoread more


    so, imagine we have three pools of sound samples (vocals, guitar and drums, for instance) of different lengths, and we want a sound from each pool to be played simultaneously, by random

    picking them by random and playing is easy enough, but what if we want them to be played so they fit to each other? ie. samples should only be played along other samples of the same length, more or less.

    i imagine it's possible to first sort them size-wise and then pick them by random?

    any ideas?

    posted in technical issues 5 years agoread more

    yeh, i figured it out and set it back to pipe. it's a part of a much bigger project/hack.


    posted in technical issues 5 years agoread more

    @ingox said:


    Bildschirmfoto vom 2020-01-25 00-29-46.png

    very cool...

    i see you changed pipe to delay.. is there any difference?
    i mean, they both delay.

    i'm not sure why i used pipe in the first place., tho..

    posted in technical issues 5 years agoread more

    hah.. you people are amazing!

    ...and since you are so amazing, i have a quick follow-up question: how would i do so, in random mode, that it doesn't pick the same number twice in a row?


    posted in technical issues 5 years agoread more

    @whale-av said:

    You have a lot of zeros flying in from the [*] at the same time as the data and that is the problem.
    A couple of spigots will solve it..... buggy.pd
    Just changed.... I had the spigot defaults the wrong way around.

    oh wow.. you are a hero!
    i learned something today... spigot, interesting object!

    @Jona said:

    i think select or route can solve your problem, but perhaps select makes more sense in your case:
    Bildschirmfoto vom 2020-01-24 20-46-50.png
    edit: i think i misunderstood the problem ;)

    ooh, this looks fine. a bit less messy than my sequencing hack!

    thanks ,

    posted in technical issues 5 years agoread more

    hello PD-brain..

    i have this strange problem i can't figure out, maybe i just don't get it or this is one of the quirks of PD...

    i'm working on a step sequencer. the sequencing bit is working as i want it to. no problem.
    it has two settings, normal counting and random counting ... 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. and random (in the range of 4). i have a switch between them to select which to run. easy.

    my problem is, the hratio that i put in to illustrate which of the steps are active, only works on one of the two settings.

    i tried putting in a hratio for each of the settings and that works fine, but it'd be silly to have two hratios when i can have one.

    i have a feeling i'm overlooking something really simple. does anyone have an idea?



    thanks in advance,

    posted in technical issues 5 years agoread more

    Even more chaotic 8-step sequencer.


    Each step has square wave oscillator, sine wave oscillator, wav file sampler and noise generator.

    Lenght of steps can be controlled, overall and individually, and sequentially muted.

    Two square wave oscillators modulate each other and a third one modulates the combined two. Optional random frequency modulation on each one of them with control for range and speed.

    Sine wave oscillators can be pure, randomized with control of range and tempo, with up/down sweeps or LFO.

    Samplers can be set to start and end of loop, playback speed goes from -200% (reverse playback) to 200%.

    Generators and left/stereo/right outputs on each step can be sequenced.

    Each step has stereo delay.

    Recording to wav files possible.


    http://mp3.shitcore.org/PELLE8001, as played by NOISEBOB, 210120.mp3
    http://mp3.shitcore.org/PELLE8001, as played by NOISEBOB, 220120.mp3


    latest version here: http://pd.noiselove.net/PELLE8001-1.7.3.pd

    posted in patch~ 5 years agoread more


    i've been mucking about in PD for some years, but lately taking it more serious.. i'd like to share my first patch, that i feel is worth sharing:


    it's a chaotic sequencer/rhythmic noise generator.

    Each step has square wave oscillator, sine wave oscillator and a wav file sampler.

    Two square wave oscillators modulate each other and a third one modulates the combined two. Optional random frequency modulation on each one of them with control for range and speed. Sine wave oscillators can be pure or with up/down sweeps or LFO. Samplers can be set to start and end of loop, playback speed goes from -200% (reverse playback) to 200%. Generators and left/stereo/right outputs on each step can be sequenced.

    Bugs: all outputs are set to right on start-up, division by zero on samplers.

    patch is here:

    a sample of me jamming on it here:
    http://mp3.shitcore.org/PELLE8000, as played by NOISEBOB, 190120.mp3

    posted in patch~ 5 years agoread more

    great patch bit.. i'm using it right now...

    posted in abstract~ 5 years agoread more
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