• mw


    Is anyone here able to record from Pd into Propellerheads Reason?

    With MIDI Yoke, I can play notes and control events using [noteout], [makenote], [midiout], [ctlout], etc..

    But, while it's receiving instructions from Pd, pressing record in Reason records nothing.

    I'm using Pd 0.42.5-extended, MIDI Yoke NT 1.75, and Reason 3.

    Your help is much appreciated!

    posted in technical issues 13 years agoread more
  • mw

    Is there a pd object that will play back an audio file at a different sample rate than the one in which it was created?

    I have some 22kHz files to load, and I thought there may be some object that will let you type in the sample rate you want.


    posted in technical issues 13 years agoread more
  • mw

    When I playback .wav files in pd, the sound is muffled and crackly. After exiting pd, the problem occurs in some other applications like Windows Media Player, and some websites like Hulu.

    I'm running Windows 7, and this is the end part of the patch I'm using:

    open $1.wav(

    Any ideas about what's happening?

    posted in technical issues 13 years agoread more
  • mw

    How can I open and play a .wav file that has an alphanumeric name?

    This part of the patch I made will randomly open a file if it's name is numeric (ex. 11.wav):

    [open $1.wav(
    | |start(
    | /
    | \

    But, opening files that have alphanumeric names (ex. Eleven.wav) is confusing to me.

    I assume I'll need to somehow use "[symbol]" or "[symbol(" or something like that.

    The patch is attached.


    posted in technical issues 13 years agoread more
  • mw

    Has anyone used pd to post to Twitter?

    Based on what I can gather here and there, I used this to connect to Twitter:

    [connect twitter.com 80(

    This brought back the message, 'netclient: connection closed on socket 1552'.

    I thought once I established a connection, I would be able to send some sort of message using what I think is Twitter's authentication protocol:


    But, I was just guessing.

    Any ideas?

    posted in technical issues 14 years agoread more
  • mw

    I want to read text files, with ";" terminated lines, into the [msgfile] object, and have it put those lines of text into message boxes. I think the idea is to get a "list" into a message box, but I'm not sure how to do it.

    This may be the main problem in my patch, because it only gets the first word of text in the line (first item in the "list"), then sets it into the final message box:

    [set $1(


    You can download the whole patch below.

    posted in technical issues 14 years agoread more
  • mw

    how do i write a text file to my d:drive if i keep pd on my c:drive?

    i understand the idea of...

    [write c:/folder/file.txt(

    but, from there, i'm lost.


    posted in technical issues 16 years agoread more
  • mw

    i want to load my own sample into the "scratch machine".

    this was my intuitive approach:

    • put my sample (mysample.wav) into the sounds folder
    • started pd
    • opened "B07.sampler.pd"
    • renamed the "read ../sound/voice.wav sample-table" message to
      "read ../sound/mysample.wav sample-table"
    • tried playing the sample per the instructions in the example

    of course, the result was dead silence. so, i think the next step is learning how to read and write soundfiles to tables.

    can anyone tell me how this works, and where to look in the documentation?

    i love the idea of what pd can do, though it is a bit left-brained for me.

    thanks in advance,


    posted in technical issues 17 years agoread more
  • mw

    this works:

    [add2 0 2 4 5 7 9 11( <--major scale pattern
    [0 2 4 5 7 9 11(

    what would make this work?:

    [majorscale 0 2 4 5 7 9 11(
    [0 2 4 5 7 9 11(

    i'm making a document of message boxes filled with scale patterns and their names, to be used as a shortcut to god-only-knows-what.

    i've uploaded an attachment of what i have so far, and i'll upload to patches when i'm finished. please feel free to offer a better solution if you have one.



    posted in technical issues 16 years agoread more
  • mw

    Thanks, mod.

    I was trying to avoid using [tabread4~], for whatever reason (which seems odd, because I'm somewhat "right-brained" (if there IS such a thing)), but it's MUCH more flexible and effective than my previous solution.

    posted in technical issues 13 years agoread more
  • mw

    Thanks again, Maelstorm! That's very useful.

    Again, you are THE MAN!

    posted in technical issues 13 years agoread more
  • mw

    Thanks for the response, domien.

    But, I made a mistake in my last sentence.

    I can already load the samples; I just want to play them back at a different sample rate.

    I've been using the following patch to load and play samples:

    [load $1.wav(

    If there's an object I can insert to change the playback rate, that's what I'm looking for.

    posted in technical issues 13 years agoread more
  • mw

    No such luck, Stutter. But, I may have something, or be able to find something that will do the same in Windows 7. That's a great idea!

    posted in technical issues 13 years agoread more
  • mw

    Thanks for answering my question, Maelstorm. But, I did forget to ask:

    If I have dozens of files, is there a way I can randomly load them without creating a text file of their names, then doing something like this?

    [read .txt(
    [read $1.wav]

    I really want to just drop a patch into a folder of .wav files, open it, and let it run.

    posted in technical issues 13 years agoread more
  • mw

    Hey yro,

    This initial strategy didn't work, and I haven't looked any further into using PD with Twitter.

    That said, I think it may be possible to get OAuth credentials to plug in somewhere, and send messages as if you had your own application.

    I may or may not get into this again, but feel free to let me know if you find anything.

    posted in technical issues 13 years agoread more
  • mw

    @unsymbol said:

    Has anyone managed to get Pd to communicate with Twitter? I'm looking to read information from Twitter status updates, and wondering if anyone knows of any externals/abstractions that could handle this? I tried searching the forum but had no luck.

    You may be able to combine [netclient] with information from this page:


    Actually, I want to use pd to SEND Twitter updates, and was looking for a way to do it.

    posted in technical issues 14 years agoread more
  • mw

    You're the best!

    I wasn't even aware of that object.

    Thank you!

    posted in technical issues 14 years agoread more
  • mw


    oh, no you dih'int!

    posted in output~ 16 years agoread more
  • mw

    thanks, ichabod

    i was looking for more of a shorthand approach, if one exists.

    but, you've offered a very elegant solution, which actually solves several of my problems.

    i've uploaded a variation of my idea based on your patch.


    posted in technical issues 16 years agoread more
  • mw

    i'm still new to the forum, so i wasn't aware of a show. but, i hope it was a success.

    posted in technical issues 16 years agoread more
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