hey i was wondering if anyone could instruct me on how to firstly wire up an Led to the ardunio board(safely ie not over powering the led) then secondly tell me out to control the led in pd, possibly giving the light a flickering effect.
I'm tying to create a patch were i can count how many times a button is pressed, and once it reaches a certain number then it will open an audio file.
Im completely lost, so any help would be greatful.
Thanks in advance.
Currently i am working on a project where i plan to place a potentiometer behind a clock face, so that turning the hands with control the playing of audio files.
Therefore i need the potentiometer to be able to turn 360degrees after this returning itself to 0vaule for another complete turn.
Does anyone know if this kind of potentiometer is available and where i would be able to get my hands on one.
ok im fairly new to pd, so this might be a stupid question,but help would be greatly appreciated.
well, im using the Gem examples to display a proto-type for a project im working on to save time, but the problem is the gem examples wont recognize my isight.
any idea's whati can do to fix this, or what im doing wrong.