Gabriel Lecup
Maybe the tutorial is older and uses table instead of array?
Also, have you checked the example file I02.Hann.window.pd?
It would help if you precise which tutorial you are trying to follow.Hope this helps ...
Gabriel Lecup
Here's my go at it using only Vanilla objects, maybe it can help:
Gabriel Lecup
Sorry just realized @oid has a much better solution
Gabriel Lecup
Here’s a dynamic version so the same object can be used with all arithmetic operators.
It uses [else/dollsym] but that can be easily removed.
Hope this helps,
list_op.pd -
Gabriel Lecup
Hi there, sorry for the late reply I had simply forgot about it.
I gave it a deeper look today, and it does seem like quite a job ... Most objects in my library are structured in the same way and use the ELSE externals.
In the coming months I will be working with an artist who might require the freeze patch in vanilla, if this happens I'll make sure I post it here (won't forget.
Sorry about that ... -
Gabriel Lecup
Hi Coalman. Here's the latest version. It hasn't been tested on diferent platforms, and might be a bit harder to use as the first version was built for a friend and this one I use alone. I'd love feedback! Cheers snail_v2.0.zip
Gabriel Lecup
Yes, that's right.
I have a new version I can post further down if you're interested, don't hesitate if you have questions.
Best, -
Gabriel Lecup
Hi there, thanks for the interest.
It seems you’re missing libraries “else” and “hcs”.
You’re also probably not using the latest version of Pd 0.51 as the object [pdcontrol] doesn’t load.
Hope this helps, keep me posted and have a great day -
Gabriel Lecup
Hi there! I know it’s been 5 years, but I stumbled upon this thread and thought I’d share what I usually use as an automatic feedback killer
I guess the advantage is that it remains in the signal domain. This example uses the envelope of one signal to inversely modulate another, but using send~ / receive~ it can easily modulate itself. Hope this makes sense ...pumpin.pd
Gabriel Lecup
And another idea: if you're using [>=] or similar to detect threshold, make sure it's followed by a [change]?
Gabriel Lecup
Yes, and maybe try the following:
- As Whale-av says print the sender and receiver
- Test with a cord instead of s/r
- Maybe you're using a "sel 1" object on the sender and not the receiver (to make a bang from a toggle)?
- Post the patch here, this is strange indeed
Gabriel Lecup
Hi there,
Ok so everything is working? You don't have the can't create error anymore?
Let me know if you do we can figure it out.
I'd love feedback too!Best,
Gabriel Lecup
I uploaded a temp version in this thread: https://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/topic/13177/snail-a-pure-data-patch-for-slow-sounds
Gabriel Lecup
Hello forum,
Here’s a video of a patch I built for a friend then started using and tweaking to my needs:
The idea was to have an intuitive general purpose patch for non Pd users, for live input processing and mixing (with a thing for drones and textures).
I’d love feedback! I have a lot on my plate for a couple of months but I hope to clean up, document and share further down.
Gabriel Lecup
Here's the same "freeze" patch (later version, cool "auto" mode) integrated with the larger patch "snail" I made for a friend of mine:
As I said I'll be on standby for a while, but any feedback is most welcome. I might clean up , document and post once I'm back on my feet.
Gabriel Lecup
Hi there,
Thanks for the interest!
Unfortunately I'm now caught up in some complex work & home change and I won't find time in another couple of months, really sorry.
I will get back to this thread when I can though, and regarding the patch all the logic is inside de [pd core] subpatch.
Sorry I can't be of much help.
Best, -
Gabriel Lecup
As David says, I usually preload all samples to buffers in a "samplebank" type of object. In your case as they're single notes it should do the trick.
Then maybe use clone with X table readers (your number of voices) and the poly object to assign them? -
Gabriel Lecup
Here it is!
It’s based on the [freeze3] patch mentioned in the first post.
It uses some other abstractions of mine so I just bundled the whole thing, check the readme.
I can make a self-contained vanilla patch if this is confusing.This is my first go at spectral processing - feedback and advice much welcome!
Enjoy! -
Gabriel Lecup
And 5 years later ...
I can share if anybody still comes here.