I'm quite new to pd and i have already my first problem
i searched the board and the pd-docs .. unfortunately without results
its about rounding...
when i get 3.456 i want it to be 3
when i get 3.794 i want to get 4only as examples..
is there an way to do this?thx, blub
guess what - plays fine here too ;p
check your settings in your audio-mixer
you can use different partitions of your harddisk with different operating systems - or even use a bootable linux-os
for the next time brettb - make a new topic or write a private message
this is the right way!
i did many circles till to the point i am now -
i have attached an example for a very easy sampler-looper
to get it to work you h ave to convert your mp3 to wav- don't know how this works with mp3´s.
for this patch a wav-file named "sampler1.wav" has to be in the same folder as the main.pd
btw - for reactivision-related questions i would suggest you to take a look here at the reactivision-board
@obiwannabe said:
A crude way is to say int (x + 0.5),
real number
[+ 0.5]
roundedBut it doesn't work for negatives
You can work out how to do a much more sophisticated rounding using [div] and [mod].
thx for this info - i will have a look!
(btw- great works on your site!.. i like your effects & synths