@alexandros said:
Just set this up - worked absolutely perfectly! Thanks so so much... I've been going around and round in circles over this for about two months!
Thanks againdREw
@alexandros thanks so much. I will give this a try this afternoon
Sorry just wasn’t sure if the images uploaded properly. Doing it from my iPhone so not used to how it looks
* Hi everyone I have searched around, I found any solutions that match my problem or are up-to-date unfortunately. I’m having trouble unpacking and/Or routing the data coming in from sensors attached to my Arduino uno. The senses are working fine when I check the Arduino serial monitor before I began looking at the PD patch. I just can’t seem to get them to unpack, or route in PD 0.5 Just wondering if anyone else has solved this - or has found this to be a problem? Attached are images of two separate Arduino Scripps I’ve tried. One to try unpacking, the other to try routing - Plus, an image of my pure data patch to try testing the incoming signal data.  [sAp-Sensors Input Test.pd](/uploads/files/1729806028183-sap-sensors-input-test.pd)  
Thanks! will do sorry - I only just checked back for repies after being sick for a few days
Hi everyone,
I know this keeps oming up, or has done a few times - so apologies. I searched for te answer but couldn't find it for 0.51.4
i used to use maxlib/scale as a scale obejct (similar to maxmsp scale), but now that's not woking or available since upgrading to pd 0.51.4 -Would someone mind pointing me in the right direction to replace or re-install a scale object for pd 0.51.4?
Thanks so much
Thanks. Will give that a go when back home
Thanks a lot -
Great! Thanks so much. Still getting used to working with Vanilla after ing on extended. Just need to get iem_alisttosym to work now. Even after downloading ilem library it doesn't appear Even when I open the iem_alisttosym-help file from within the externals folder. The help files there, but not the actual external.
Seems strange
Hi there,
I couldn't find if anyone else is having the same problem, but I need to use [zl group] but this is coming up as a missing object. I am guessing that any of the other objects associated with zl will also be missing.
I am using PD 0.51.4
Sorry this has been posted before but I couldn't find it. All my plants seem correct in PD, I just don't seem to have these objects for some reason
Drew -
Sorry for late reply! Thank you so much got it sorted now I think.
Hi there,
I'm wanting to use comport to create a patch connecting PD to an Arduino. Have downloaded comport 0.2, unpacked/unzipped the file and put the folder in my PD externals folder.But when I open the comport -help I get comport 1 9600... couldn't create
I'm not sure if there's an installation step I've missed or something? Running Pure Data Vanilla 0.51 on MacOs 10.15
Any help greatly appreciated
dREw -
thanks! that's great will give it a go and let you know how it goes -
Hi there,
just wondered if anyone has been controlling neopixels with pd extended?
I know this is possible with maxmsp amd my arduino, but i'd like to do it in pd.if anyone can point me in the right direction, greatly appreciated
Hi there,
trying to reconnect with my arduino - it's been a while.
used to work on this computer, but now I get this errorflatspace/comport $1 57600... couldn't create
I am using pduino 0.5
have tried to search forum, but the search comes up empty.
Could someone please point me in the right direction,
hi there,
trying to use the attached patch - thanks to Cacatoes, to load a large (long length - 10min to be exact) sample into a player...
I need to use four of them, so thought I would add a $0- to the beginning of the message to have individual arrays/tables etc... but keep getting the following errors
error: 0-my_sound_file: no such object
error: 0-my_sound_file: no such object
error: 0-my_sound_file: no such table
... you might be able to track this down from the Find menu.
error: 0-my_sound_file: no such object
print: DONE LOADING FILEalso no audio seems loaded into the table
sorry for my ignorance, any help greatly appreciated
i'm using a sampler based on the attach patch for playback and looping of soundfiles.
(my patch is a bit messy, so i've attached tutorial it's based on)my samples are approx 10min long, but the sampler won't load the whole 10min of the file...
how do i adjust the length the array, or soundfiler will load?
any elp appreciated
hi there,
looking at using the looper using a live input with delwrite~ and vd~ with buffer.
I want to adjust the length of the loop on the fly as it is buffering the live input. Keep getting clicks though whenever I adjust the loop length.
is there any way to smooth out the loop length changes so I don't get clicks?
patch attached with a line object added, but that hasn't worked.any help greatly appreciated
hi there,
looking to use an fm or additive synth and want to know how to sustain a note.
basically i want to be able to recognise key on and key off (using key & keyup) as the duration of the note and have either an envelope or something control the attack and sustain (for the duration of the key held) and release (when the key is released via keyup)
key - send note number message and sustain and/or hold until
keyup - send note off message - releasedoes that make sense?
any help or pointers greatly 'predicatedthanks
hi there,
on macosX 10.8
is there anyway to have multiple audio devices as inputs?
I am using ma moth 4pre for mic inputs, but would also like to use a headset connected to the computer via USB.output can be all through the moth so no problem there.
is this possible?
hi there,
I'm controlling a grid with movement, and want the grid to send a bang when activated on that square. I only want the bang to trigger when the square is activated and then not trigger until revisited after other squares.
Have tried using change, but doesn't seem to stop the squares keep triggering when the dot hasn't left that square yet.
any ideas why?