Hi everyone!!!
I do this patch to help the composers with their matrix for 12 note composition. The primary objective of the patch is to develop the sound sequences and print in paper to work with them. But, maybe you can use to createl...mmm...or...mmm...who knows?
There may be a better way to do the same function, but my knowledge in math and programming isn´t enough today. I´m still working.
Regards and hope this will be useful!!!
Hi, everyone!!!
I´m play with Pd a few months ago and I have a doubt with GEM. I would like to know how works [pix_data] object, because I follow the example patch but does´nt work. I need to find the way to "read" the data of any pixel (colours, mostly), at the position of the mouse pointer in the gemwin. The question is:
-Where is the error in my patch (anexed)?-Is another way to obtain the pixel data in the gemwin (any pixel)?
Thank´s for your time and help. Nice day.
Hi everyone! It´s me again with more newb troubles
After resolve my troubles with GEM, all was fine. The video and pix_texture work fine.
Recently, I started to take video with my cell phone and save it in .3gp file format. When I tried to convert the files, I have to download the necesary códecs to convert in .avi and work it with GEM. And the result was:
(see the image attached)
I try many ways to fix this (saving the file with many parameters), but it´s dificult because I unknown the real trouble here.
This image was saved without compresion (uncompressed). When I work with an AVI compressed file, the video appears completly, but "dissolves it" when I try to manipulate the frame.The same video was played in Windows Media Player and work fine.
Can you help me? I work with Windows Vista and Pd 0.41-4 (non extended); GEM 0.90. The video from the picture above was AVI uncompressed.
Thank you for your time. Nice day
Hi! Nice day to everyone:
I´m want to know about one effect named "convolve".
I listen the effect a lot of times in works created in MAX/MSP and I want to reproduce it in Pd.I try to find an block diagram to understand the action and elements involved, but I haven´t lucky. I found a lot of mathemathical expressions, but was very complex.
My question is:
The effect "convolve" have other name?
Sombody have an block diagram to explain the action?
"Vocoder" it´s the same than "convolve"?I hope you can help me. Thank´s to everyone.
Hi! I appologize for my english:
I´m fascinated with the posibilities of Pd. But i have a problem with the pix_texture command in GEM:
I can´t work with video or pics using pix_texture. when i try to run a patch with pix_texture, the Pd messages panel show an error message, and this message self repeats until I turn off the patch. I try to use different formats of videos and pics, and nothing work.
If anybody understand me, can you help me?
Thanks!!! Have a nice day!!!
In this page you can find instructions to install yout externals:
But, some externals does´nt compatible with windows. I have vista, and the externals from "wiimote" can installed succesfully in my machine, but does´nt work, or I can´t use it because of my ignorance
Maybe you can try the object [multiplex] form the "zexy" library. There is a lot of "zexy" objects you can use for that propouse. I try to find others, because I need something similar.
I don´t know how to do that you want. But in this page, you can look for an unknow object in the patch and the source library:
Hi damiensko!
There are a lot of ways to do that you want. Try the object [pix_histo]. This object create an histogram from image (check it in the "help" patch). If you want to create the histogram from a picture, change the object [pix_image] with [pix_film] and try to run it. The result is: the tables will move with the movement of the film. Then, in your "sound" patch you must to read the table result with another object (tabread, i think) and transform data in sound. Another way is that "pulsed" say: [pix_pix2sig~], but, personally, I don´t like it. Choice your option and, if you find another, tell us please.Regards.
Hi!!! There are a lot of them in the examples of Pd.
Try the samplers.
Hi, Claudius!!! Thank´s for your reply.
I´ll check the patch you made. I do this one. I think the way I use isn´t exactly, but work´s fine for my purpose. What do you think? Try different jpeg´s. Sorry for the mess in the patch and my english, I work in that
Greetings!!! Nice day.
If you use GEM, maybe you can try the help for [pix_pix2sig~] or [pix_sig2pix~] objects. Another object (but I don´t know how to use it :S) it´s [pix_data], to obtain data from images and convert it in numbers. Hope will be useful.
It´s very interesting and funny, I think. I have to do one similar project with the invert process (sounds transforming image or video), but I don´t staring yet :S. May be, you can start revising the documentation of GEM and testing with one recorded video (later, you can try the webcam). There are some objects you can try, like "pix_pix2sig~", "pix_histo", etc (I don´t remember more). Remember the common point of image and sound: the numbers
Sorry, my english are so bad
I´m very new in this stuff too. I´m not sure what are you trying, but I think it´s to use one video like a mask (¿filter?) of another, right?
I´m looking for that too and I think a way (but not tested
-May be you can look in the web for some kind of .avi (or supported video file) mask.
-Check out the [alpha] patch in GEM/Pd.
-Check out too the [aging] patch in GEM/Pd
Good look!
Ah!!! One more thing: the patch I use it´s the same than the GEM doc. Work´s fine. I´m sure isn´t the trouble. Thanks
Hi!!! Thank you to everyone:
I´m very new in this stuff of electronic music and I must learn a lot of theory about the acustic phenomenon (it´s the correct way to say it?).
Thank you again. Have a nice day.
Hi again, everyone!!!
The final solution I took is to install the "vanilla" version Pd 0.41-2 and add the external librery of GEM (this last was particularly hard
). I proof my sound patches and some of images and video, and everyting ok. Now I can still learn this funny program. I´m very happy ;D
Thank you, everyone. Greetings!!!
Hi again:
I try an option:
I don´t find your version of Pd (the extended 0.40.3) because I think is only available for Mac.
But I try to run the extended 0.38.4 version (more older than mine) and the surprise is: pix texture
worked fine. The problem was with the sound processing: this became more slowly and my patches
strangely deforms.I´m still continue work with the 0.39.3 version, until I find a solution
Thank you everybody. Nice day.
P.D: How can I configurate Gem in the "Path" option?. It´s very confusing. In this extended version Gem works automatically. But I observed
in the extended 0.38.4 version, that option got an kind of path for Gem. -
Hi, fdo:
The version of Pd I use is 0.39.3 extended. May be I can try with your version (0.40.1), because Claudius said me about to use a debugger, but i don´t know how to use it
. Thank you. I reply later.
Sorry, I forgot that details. Here is:
-The error message is the follows:
GL: numeración no válida
(Yeah, in spanish! And loops until I turn off the gemhead).
-The version of GEM I´ve got is the 0.91-cvs. When I start the Pd, appears this:
GEM: Graphics Environment for Multimedia
GEM: ver: 0.91-cvs
GEM: compiled: Dec 11 2006
GEM: maintained by IOhannes m zmoelnig
GEM: Authors : Mark Danks (original version on irix/windows)
GEM: Chris Clepper (macOS-X)
GEM: Daniel Heckenberg (windows)
GEM: James Tittle (macOS-X)
GEM: IOhannes m zmoelnig (linux/windows)
GEM: using SSE2 optimization
error: GEM Man: Could not initialize quicktime: error -2093
xsample objects, version 0.3.2pre
xrecord~, xplay~, xgroove~
(C)2001-2007 Thomas Grill
-I run Pd in Windows Vista. But that error appears in XP too.
-I´ll try to post my patch in word.
I hope you can help me. Thank you.