I'm printing text to a LCD 1602 with [print( messages through [comport], and a message takes about 2 seconds to appear on the LCD, when it's seemingly instentaneous from the Arduino serial console. Why is that? (I'm on lubuntu 18.04)
For the moment what I do is print with a command through [shell]
echo "Hello!" > /dev/ttyACM0
Which works nicely.
Oh okay, thanks for the answer. That's what I was afraid of. Unfortunately I have very little coding knowledge, none in Tk/Tcl.
There was the [pop] external from iemlib, but it's not in the iemlib folder, I don't kow why, And it's no good for me anyway, because I use text also to edit parameters live, I use it as a sort of sequencer editor, so that the file where I save my multi-track sequence also becomes the gui.
Is there a way to resize and reposition a [text] window, like you would do using [relocate( with a normal pd window ?
@jancsika, it would be t_sample, but I had to pause my little expriments. Thanks guys, I hope to be back at it in two weeks and nail this thing or come back with better questions.
@Nicolas-Danet you're in Montpellier, awesome! I will contact you soon I'd love to talk to someone who knows this stuff, it can be hard to learn on your own. -
Hi ! I’m trying to write my first external, and have studied the externals-howto. I understand, for example how the pan~ example works (I think, I'm a noob in C), but in my case I'm confused:
I want to implement a recursive algorithm, I need to copy the inlet vector into an array A perform some operations, copy the restult in array B, swap arrays, and start over again several times until I can finaly copy one of the arrays into the outlet vector.
How do I have to treat these arrays in the code? should they be of type t_sample?
In the perform section should I treat them as the inlets and outlets?t_int *foo_perform(t_int *w) { t_sample *in = (t_sample *)(w[1]); t_sample *out = (t_sample *)(w[2]); t_sample *a = (t_sample *)(w[3]); t_sample *b = (t_sample *)(w[4]); int n = (int)(w[5]);
@paulspignon Wow that’s crazy ! What were you working on if I may ask ?
About music applications, do you know what the guy meant?
Seems to me you can acheive a lot of the same stuff as fft, but with different sounding artifacts ? That could be interesting.
Also, since you can acheive convolution, it could greatly improve performances of say partitionned convolution algorithm I don’t knowAnyway, I really hope we can prove this Signal Processing Guru wrong!
for the theorem itself you there are good ressources here and there for example:
discrete walsh hadamard transform on Mathworks.com
Wikipedia pageI didn't find much on sound specific usage except for this old paper hutchins_paper_1.PDF from Hutchins in... 1975. He is cited in Roads book. Very interesting