I'm quite new to Pd, and i'm having some trouble with installing external libraries. I've placed them in the /library/pd folder, and set them up as a path in puredata vanilla, and as I put them in the startup, the console just gives me can't load library. It says nothing else in the debug log. What am I doing wrong here?
Can't install external libraries
Libraries that consist of various object files (.pd_darwin or .d_fat for OSX) should be added to Pd's search path. Libraries that are compiled as a single object (zexy for example where all you find is a zexy.pd_darwin file - although there is the possibility to compile it with all objects being compiled separately, if I'm not mistaken) should be added to the start-up flags.
I think the two libraries you're trying to import should go to the search path.. -
Hi, thanks for the responses. So i don't need the startup path, but I'm still scratching my head over this one. When i try to open the helpfiles it just can't create the objects.
And @alexandros it seems the externals i'm attempting to install consist of various files,
I can't find a .pd_dawin or .d_fat ...
Thanks guys -
The problem is that the libraries haven't been compiled and you have no .pd_darwin or .d_fat file, which are the files Pd reads as objects. You need to open a terminal, navigate to the library's directory and compile it manually using "make". If the Makefile is written properly, you'll have no problem, otherwise you might need to change a couple of things in it..
thanks, I thought it might be something like this to be the problem. So from what I've understood the makefile should compile all the objects to .pd_darwin or .d_fat files. When i launch the command "make" in terminal from that directory i get an error:
unknown argument: ftree-vectorizer-verbose=2what does this tell me? Should I change anything in the makefile?
I'm having this same problem. Is there a link, or can someone give me the commands to put into terminal? thanks.
Of course the easiest thing would be to install the deken plugin and let it do the work for you.
Otherwise, send the Makefile here and we'll take a look and might be able to sort it out..
I installed the deken plugin, but I couldn't get its plugins working either.. Thanks @alexandros, thats really nice of you.
Since it reports the same error for all the different libraries when i try to compile them, solving the problem of one should be really helpful... -
Well, this is the generic Makefile provided by Hans-Cristoph Steiner iirc. It's funny that you get this error (which comes from line 94) because I've compiled some objects on OS X without problems. Usually the only thing you need to check is in line 93, where you specify the path to Pd's files (like m_pd.h). In this Makefile it says that there's no need to change anything beyond line 42, but this Makefile was for Pd-extended which is now dead, so you should probably change line 93 to make the Makefile point to the directory of vanilla's files (if you're using vanilla).
I really don't know why this creates an error. Make an online search and see if you need to set something else instead of that. Which OS X are you using?
Try to comment that line out (by putting a # at the beginning of the line) and give it another try. Dunno, maybe it will work... I'm not a compiling-savvy guy, so there might be something I'm missing....