Sebfumaster Big Thanks for looking in to it !!
I love the way you managed to clean up the patch ($0-pattern-index trick)
I knew that it must be a way to do it!!
sendpattern seems to be working nicely but i have to check both patches in live situation
<- some times tonight
yah array is only 32 steps long but it was there only for debugging , im gonna replace it with table -> 256 will store 16 patterns
About year ago i switched to linux i couldn't stand windows any more i tried mac
but apples seems to taking even more of your freedom and way to expensive
now i dont wanna use any other os then linux
I tried almost all of linux music software but
i dont know i just didnt like it
again looked ugly and very limited when we talk about live performance
apart of renoise < - that i totally love the sample there and sample draw option
it perfect for glitch micro sounds and so on
thats why i decided to try build my own midi sequencer and make it work the way i want
and use it with my hardware samplers
The patch you helped me to tide up will be used as abstraction -> sequencer strip
im planing to have 16 channels(strips) with independent pattern length(mod) ,pitch,vol, note length/each step all stored in tables
the next step is to build some sort of pattern playlist
im already working on interface between korg padkontrol in native mode and sequencer
going back to ->
honestly i had big problem with digesting Pd mainly because of the way it looks
perhaps not everyone will agree with me on this point 
btw why [knob] look so ugly on windows and linux but not on mac?
about week ago i decided to have a go again and see what i can do with guis
and if i find something that will keep my eyes happy im gonna give it a serious go!!
so i started to building my simple abstraction cnv+ lol its mainly what you see on that screenshot
what it does
it enables you to create canvases with given ids [cvn+ c1] that can be styled via messages some thing like css for pd
[cvn+ c1]
|c1-w 50;c1-h 50;c1-border 11;c1-background 8 (
in this way you can create themed patches and change properties of all canvases with given id in the same time
please see attachment