patches using osc~ and some wavetable distortion to mix the timbre up, lowpass it, then into a reverb... what i'll do is play on one synth, then crank up the reverb feedback on it and kill the input, then play with the other one, and vice versa...
Additive + waveshaping, it's a damn fine "organ" sound, and like I said I think you did
a splendid job picking the reverb params for the timing, the flow is just right.
the ending of this song drives me wild... when i recorded it, i had actually intended for the ending to be the first buildup (around 7-8 minutes), but when i played that melody on top of everything, i realized i had to do it again, so i did, and i'm SO glad i did... i basically distort the beat to white noise too, it's just this huge emotional moment, the epitome of where i want to go with Pd.
<opinion> Your first plan was right, overall it's too long as a piece for the instrumentation. The buildup is very cool, and that's what I wanted to hear featured up front, the "collapse" of the rythmn track into noise. I haven't heard that device much before, amybe in some early hard trance tunes, but it really works </opinion>
i need to work on some better distortion methods
but i did throw a kick sample in there to help out the low end of the beat...
Have a play with [pow~] and [wrap~], most useful for distortions
when used in conjunction with some trig functions you can take a small amount
of it, say [*~ 0.01] and add [+~ 0.25] and take the [cos~] , and mix that back in with the original signal. By changing the offset you can get odd or even harmonic distortion. Try making really fucked up waveshapers by drawing directly into tables on the fly too, that can sound awesome.
this song was composed and performed entirely in Pd,
Those are the magic words I was waiting to hear!
I am so happy. Thanks for
sharing it.
but is more of a crazy patching mess than a complete .pd file..
yeah, had to abandon some of my first compositions as write only code, check out
"moon over pokesdown station" - I think there's amybe five or sxi synths in there -
anyway I wrote a page about it recently on my site under "music", comparing it
with a remix I did just recently to celebrate one year of working entirely in Pd.
I guess you develop your own ways of keeping tidy code in Pd, but it comes quickly enough with having to read your own code, like with any language. But keeping things together in one file is important imho. I sort of went through three stages in Pd, working with loads of separate patch windows with everything talking by global variables, then doing everything with abstractions, then finally with doing everything in one file. It's funny I sort of fight with Frank B about this, I think abstractions are sirens luring fresh Pders into insanity, they are powerful and trick you with their magic
Now I know how to use them properly I employ them lots in more serious research and dev with Pd, but for composing music I find a single big file full of subpatches works out best. And avoiding using plugins or externs and sticking to
Miller vanilla objects means you can just pass the file around as "Pd music" to other people 
**anyways, glad you guys enjoyed! hopefully i do some more music soon (since i've been working mostly on more sound/gem patches, not really composing at all) **
Nice. Well I really want to big up your tune and the fact you did it in Pd, do more soon