[expr~ int($v1+0.5)] has still the bug but [expr~ rint($v1)] not (at least in expr)
if you want to use wrap for vanillas sake you have to use my calculation.... if you want to i'll build it
or is expr vanilla? don't know *blushes*
next bug:
your combfilter works with z~ which isn't samplerate independent
with G05 you can make 1 block delays on 44.1k which will be 2 block delays @88.2k
the bad thing is i think delread~ does some kind of interpolation
some time ago i found buzzer+clank... shall i make a diy of them? and in which category do the fall? perk? or something new?
i think we need more weird stuff like these
what about the coming sequencers
will they have variable divisions like the diy-metro + diy-beat combination?
will there be at least one which has the ability to offset the beat? a while ago i made a ugly sequencer which could bang at 10 (normal) or +- 90%
10.45 (+ 90%); 9.55(-90%)...... kind of like the idea but didn't use it much till now
and will they have enough values per beat to make fancy stuff?
why not expand the rbg utility to the font colour and place the label into the slider to tighten up the interface
this could reduce the needed space down to 50-60% (?)
unfinished projects: the slurscreamer.... maybe i should name it this way to get my motivation back
its a try to make a tubescreamer in pd with complex clipping (already done) and a crapload of nasty features and feedback (not done)
pd redefining mathematics |expr fact(0)|==0