I know so many of these posts start out like "I'm just starting and I don't know anything.." but I just started pd a few days ago and have virtually no programming experience, so sorry if this is ANNOYING.
For the past couple of days I've been trying to do something I thought would be real simple. I have a fiddle making sine waves with an [osc~], and (maybe since the amplitude range for fiddle is 80-120) the sound clicks when it starts and stops. I would like to make a slow fade in / fade out anyway so if the thing goes slightly under 80dB the sound doesn't just stop dead, ie so there's some buffer time. So I've tried the [line~], [ear~], [ASRenvelope], and some other objects, searched through this forum, but I can't get anything to do what I want. I thought this would be real simple since my sounds are generally real slow, and i just want the sine to come in and fade out in a slow laid back kind of way. What's (/ is there) a simple way to do this?