i was wanting to make a simple tremolo/volume effect for a friend of mine so i though i would at least put it up and maybe somebody can use it
i will probably keep working on it a little bit
any thoughts?
thanks, I'll look on it
edit : nice patch, just have a problem, the spigot~ isn't recognised
spigot~ can be replaced by *~ as far as i know
something like this can route a signal to one outlet of many
| | |
| [r which] | [r which] | [r which] ... etc
| [== 0] | [== 1] | [== 2]
[*~ 0] [*~ 0] [*~ 0]
| | |
out0 out1 out2 -
Hi, I worked on this patch.
It produces some good sounds
For the spigot~object, i made one in the same spirit than yours.Here is for interested people
i added a fade in fade out that runs alongside the tremolo
i have it set up so long drawn out fade ins and outs can be done easily and i put a delay on there so the actual fade in or out will go after so many secondsthe audio toggle should not be activated and the tremolo should be if you want to use the fading
then just set the delay between when you press the go bng and when it starts the ramp
set the volume to be ramped to
set the length of time in seconds to fade (currently its set at 30 seconds max)
and the last hslider is a readout of the actual fade in and outyay