I had a closer look, but could not figure out where to set the number of
inputs and outputs with PlugData.
So @xaverius, I spoke with @timothyschoen and it seems this is an issue with Linux only. You can't configure that from within plugdata, but that's a limitation of JUCE. Nevertheless you can set it up inside JACK and it should be possible.
And yes, I was able to install and instantiate a vstplugin~ object.
Unfortunatelly, I can not use it. It's too instable and PlugData always
crashes (Ubuntu Studio 24.04, PludData 0.9.1). An advantage of
Purr-Data, it's really stable.
How can you compare the stability of vstplugin~ inside PurrData since you can't even install it over there? 
I do assume that such a complex external like vstplugin~ may have issues if running on PlugData, as the target development was Vanilla, and you should actually "blame" external developers for such case of instability.
Ayway, Like you said and know, PlugData is quite actively developed and bugs are fixed quickly and you can download nightly builds with the most recent fixes and updates quite easily, but you have to report issues and collaborate at least iwth that.