hello, i'm doing an assignment for a course and i'd like to know what's wrong? the aim of the assignment is to create a replica of the sound snippet from On the Run, Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon
Oh okey the patch is here from work data work.pdthanks for the feedback ! yes i have to adjust some values
Check this -
@whale-av I need to make the patch like this audio pink-floyd-extract (3).wav
@Cognis A start........ pink.zip
Keep the [count] object with the [floyd] patch in the same folder so that it is found when you open [floyd].
It comes from the list-abs library.The message to [vline~] cannot set times to be longer than 500ms because your tempo is 120bpm.
You will need to fine tune that envelope to get the synth sound you want.Have a look at any Pd drum synth you can find for how to generate the drum sounds.
You are on the right track with [noise~] for the drums....It would be a good idea to add faders to adjust values...... which will make fine tuning easier.......
Look around especially for patches that create envelope shapers using faders.
David. -
@whale-av thanks for the feedback ! it was very useful, the drum part is not necessary in my work : D, the only thing missing is the middle part when the sound starts t
pink-floyd-extract (3).wav o shake, for that I just need to connect it to an fm right ? -
@whale-av said:
The message to [vline~] cannot set times to be longer than 500ms because your tempo is 120bpm.
Perhaps not a critical error, because, if a new envelope comes into vline~ while an older one hasn't finished, the older one is (correctly) just abandoned. They don't interfere.
@ddw_music True, but the envelope will not be that expected.
I think it might be better to use a Hann window with interpolation and guard points in this case.
David. -
@Cognis Sorry, I don't know whether FM is necessary or will help.
If nobody replies then you could try the Discord chat for Pd as there are a lot of people building synths in that discussion...... https://discord.gg/aNd8RrT
David. -
@Cognis , H05.filter.floyd.pd in help file 3.audio.examples....