Playing notes after notes via MIDI with the notein object to feed a polyphonic synth is possible in PD.
But is there a opportunity to feed a polyphonic with MIDI chords?!
Playing Chords via MIDI
@tungee Can you provide more context for your MIDI chords? Midi does not know chords but there are ways which programs fake it in various ways, generally by exploiting the text/tag information MIDI files can contain. I am not sure if pd has any ability to read the text data in MIDI files or if that data is even sent on the MIDI stream or just kept local, never used it.
Hi Oid i build a polysynth for Automatonism.
It works well in Mono/Polymode via a MIDI Keyboard. But i have no clue or tactic how can i play multi notesat once (chords) from my MIDI Keyboard to feed the synth -
Bytheway here is the synth: -
A basic MIDI poly-synth template looks like this. The single-note player needs to be in a separate file with at least one [inlet] and signal [outlet~].